Venezuela: Starved Families Scavenge for Food in Garbage-Covered Streets – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Starved Families Scavenge for Food in Garbage-Covered Streets

Breitbart: CARACAS, Venezuela – Driving through the streets of Caracas, it is impossible not to notice the ubiquitous government propaganda on the sides of buildings and scores of armed police.

Even harder to avoid, however, is the garbage.

On almost every street corner, stacks of waste can be seen piled up, some of it in black bags, but other items in limbo such as water bottles, diapers and occasionally food waste.

Around almost every pile of garbage, a crowd had formed, rifling through it for scraps to eat. From schoolchildren to the elderly, even to those in work uniform, many Venezuelans are resorting to scavaging just to survive. A recent report found that over 15 percent of people scavenge as a means of survival.

Those who eat what they find have developed the skill of finding edible bits of food where they can. In an interview with Colombia’s El Tiempo, for example, one woman noted that some neighborhoods are known for having the “good” garbage – the kind with food in it that can be recooked and consumed, as opposed to non-food waste.  read more

12 Comments on Venezuela: Starved Families Scavenge for Food in Garbage-Covered Streets

  1. Plantsman, kind of depends on the meaning of the word “earned” doesn’t it? I think the real earners left a long time ago when they nationalized everything and what’s left are the elites living off of dwindling oil and drug money “earnings” with the “trickle down” being consumed by these folks in the street. Uncanny ain’t it? How socialism/communism ends like this every – single – time. I imagine hunting season will be opening soon on the elites. No bag limit. Toe tags, shallow graves optional. The military and the civilian paramilitary brown shirts can’t contain this indefinitely. I can’t imagine this can go on multi-generationally like that great and glorious archetype, the Soviet Union. With modern comms and the internet and what-not, the modern day purges, pogroms and kulak killings like in the 30s can’t stay in the dark for long and the scrap-eaters soon realize there is nothing whatsoever to lose.

  2. People always go the easy way, its human nature. You are promised something for nothing or to be given what others have and the weak minded bite every time. Here we have yet another example of the results of that thinking. Stupidity that repeats itself forever.

  3. Despite the Yankee Imperialistic propaganda, Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, Naomi Campbell, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky and Danny Glover praise the socialist utopia of the Venezuelan People’s leader Maduro.

    In an effort of socialist good will, Maduro, the people’s protector,has implemented a program where the elite of his government, who are eating steaks, shrimp lobster and fresh vegetables will begin dumping their garage on random street corners for equal distribution to the starving.

    Viva Maduro, protector of the People.

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