Anti-Trumper Alyssa Milano is broke as a joke, didn’t pay taxes and stiffed her employees – IOTW Report

Anti-Trumper Alyssa Milano is broke as a joke, didn’t pay taxes and stiffed her employees

BPR: Actress Alyssa Milano is broke as a joke and didn’t pay her taxes. And like a true liberal, she says it’s all someone else’s fault.

Milano made the stunning revelations in a $10 million lawsuit she filed in Los Angeles against her former business manager, Kenneth Hellie and his firm Hellie, Hoffer & Co.

Because of Helli’s alleged negligence, Milano says she failed to pay her income taxes for 2013 and 2014; didn’t make mortgage payments on her West Hollywood condo; lost millions on a failed home renovation project, and neglected to pay her employees’ taxes.

In other words, Milano sounds like an equality-opportunity deadbeat. As a result, Alyssa says she and her husband David Bugliari are “millions of dollars in debt and their credit is in ruins,” Variety reported.  more here

22 Comments on Anti-Trumper Alyssa Milano is broke as a joke, didn’t pay taxes and stiffed her employees

  1. Even if you have a business manager how the hell do you not know that your taxes haven’t been filed for two years or your staff hadn’t been paid? It cracks me up everytime one of these Hollywood genius’s offer advice on how to run things. The stupid bastards can’t run their own lives.
    Alyssa, make sure you clean the pole off before you start your act.

  2. Shouldn’t she be in a debters prison somewhere?
    Oh yeah, dipchit dimmocrates don’t have to do prison.
    Like Gilda Radner’s character Emily Litella would say “Never mind”.

  3. So, she’s a female Johnny Depp?!?
    Not assuming what gender she “identifies” with, I mean, and all….

    F*cking losers!
    They’re WORSE than the idiot multi-million LOTTO winners that blow through their wad in a year and then whine about it!!!

  4. Alyssa Milano ✔@Alyssa_Milano
    Believe in believing. The impossible is possible. (Say it with me.)
    8:33 PM – 20 Jun 2017

    Hey Allyssa, bet you can’t say this with me:
    “I paid my 2013/2014 taxes.”
    Dead beat.

  5. Being millions of dollars in debt is kinda like being 500 Lbs. overweight: maybe you should have been doing something aboutit when you lost the first few hundred-thou./gained the first #100?.
    Don’t know anything about her investments, but ours managed to grow in spite of obama; ironically, the nobel peace prize president was GREAT for defense contractors; go figure.

  6. Of course she supports the Dems. Deadbeats like her always do. As long as The Left is in power,
    she’s protected from being held accountable like normal citizens would be.

    It’s the Sharpton Principle. Do what we tell you to do. Say what we tell you to say. And we’ll
    overlook that little tax issue you have.

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