NoKo Drone Had 300 Photos Of U.S. Thaad Missile Defense System – IOTW Report

NoKo Drone Had 300 Photos Of U.S. Thaad Missile Defense System

OANN: South Korea says a drone found earlier this month near the demilitarized zone is a “grave provocation” that violates the Korean war truce.

On Wednesday, South Korea officials said the drone crashed on its way back to the North.

The drone was reportedly equipped with a camera that had aerial photographs of a U.S. anti-missile defense system.

North Korea claims to have 300 attack and reconnaissance drones in its arsenal.

The South Korean government says they have recovered four North Korean drones since 2013.

Meanwhile, U.S. satellites detect nuclear activity in an underground location in North Korea.

U.S. officials are unsure if Pyongyang is planning another nuclear test, however; the activity detected appears to be changes to a tunnel entrance.  more

11 Comments on NoKo Drone Had 300 Photos Of U.S. Thaad Missile Defense System

  1. It would be Amazing to Liberate the Slaves in NoKo, They Already Know how to Self Sustain so China Wouldn’t Go Broke Tending to them. Right Now Just Being Able to Get a Glimpse of a Fat Assed Kid is Orgasmic !

  2. Now NoKo has 299 drones.

    Bill Clinton is responsible for allow NoKo to acquire nukes.

    Send him over. Parachute him into Pyongyang, hogtied, naked except for a sign that says “I’m a corrupt degenerate drugrunning criminal capitalist American Spy and I’m here to molest your children”.
    I’d pay to watch that.

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