MSNBC Hires Kamala Harris’ Sister as Political Analyst – IOTW Report

MSNBC Hires Kamala Harris’ Sister as Political Analyst


The network announced on Tuesday that Maya Harris, a civil rights attorney who was one of Hillary Clinton’s top policy advisers during the 2016 campaign, would be joining the network.

Harris was reportedly a “partner with Hillary” in developing the campaign’s domestic policy agenda during Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. According to a New Yorker profile, Harris worked on “issues of race, gender, economic empowerment, criminal justice, policing, immigration, voting rights, and executive action” and would have been given a “top job in the West Wing” had Clinton won the election.  more here

16 Comments on MSNBC Hires Kamala Harris’ Sister as Political Analyst

  1. They are just gathering the morons to kill off the media
    aren’t they?
    Too bad I won’t miss them when they are gone.

    So’s they hiring a colored because of the bitching about
    the white washing of the network lately? Hmmmm?

  2. Civil rights atty. Who would’ve guessed?
    I imagine she’s Kamala 2.0, so they’ll pair her with a token whitey as her target to shout down with accusatory indictments of racism, gender inequality and anti-immigration.
    Heads up Joy Reid, MSNBC is replacing you with a prettier version of yourself.

  3. Why would a Democrat candidate need an advisor on domestic policy? The only domestic policy the Democraps have and believe in is to expand food stamps, affirmative action, open borders, welfare, Obama phones, slash and burn, graft, corruption, hate whitey, and free health care for the world!

  4. She worked with Hillary on racial issues? That’s a thankless task. I bet she turned in her resignation after the “hot sauce in the purse”. No, wait, she’s a political ho. She probably demanded a raise.

  5. Will Maya Harris eventually cash in on her new and improved celebrity status? Heck yea! Can she possibly out-do Melissa HarrisPerry? I predict her new career will climax the day she wears Hillary’s underwear on her head.

    What ever happened the creature with the tampon earrings? MSNBC fired her, but she is now professor of bitter and victimized stereotypical black females @ Wake Forest. She is also a one note high priced speaker and author.

    Don’t bother to go there

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