Why You Love Capitalism – IOTW Report

Why You Love Capitalism


Do you use an iPhone? Watch Netflix? Listen to Spotify? Then you love capitalism and can’t stand big government. How do we know? Jared Meyer of the Foundation for Government Accountability explains.

10 Comments on Why You Love Capitalism

  1. Don’t talk down to me like that.

    Pisses me off. Only morons don’t know where their phones come from or how their cellular signals come from. Internet comes from

    It didn’t come from government. Are you really that unaware? I should drop your mask, take a picture of your stupid mug and beat you to a pulp.

    Ok. I’m grumpy tonight. A person can only take so much idiocy.

  2. The word “capitalism” has been hijacked in much the same way as “liberal” has been. What I love is the free market, emphasis on “free”. It represents liberty: people exchanging goods and services, using a medium of exchange freely agreed to, without interference from uninvolved parties. Today’s capitalism always seems to assume such interference in the form of govt regulations regarding producers, and further regulations regarding what is an allowable exchange. Fooey.

  3. @uncle al


    The people who fix your leaky roof are capitalists barely scraping out a living.

    The people who fix your tire with a slow leak are barely scraping by charging not much to fix your tire. They are capitalists.

    Evil, rich capitalists rolling in mountains of money.

  4. @larryetc – No, it’s white authoritarian privilege. Totalitarians require their subjects to believe. Authoritarians only require their subjects to obey.

    It’s left-collectivists who are the totalitarians.

  5. Sadly, Alot Of Adult Proffesors have no Clue What Capitalism is !
    They Could Watch the Video, and Say how Rudimentery and Utterly Racist we Are ! Words make em smart ya no , as long as they can String Them Together so Students Think Their Brilliant.
    They Incubate Reality by making it Seem Complicated !!!

  6. Read Ayn Rand’s “The Fountainhead” and “Atlas Shrugged”. When you’re finished wading through all that, THEN you’ll understand Free Market Capitalism.

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