Happy Birthday to a furry friend – IOTW Report

Happy Birthday to a furry friend

I love birthday parties! OK not my own, but others’… Especially when they’re pet-related.
Yeah, I’m one of those weirdos who sometimes throws a party for my dogs’ birthdays. Their birthdays are both in April and so is mine,
so hey— One big party, right?
I invite my puppy nieces over and we all wear hats, have Pupcake and ‘ice cream’. Sometimes a fight breaks out because of a misunderstanding over one of the treats. [How many times must I apologize for taking the wrong cookie??? Gaaaah!]

Anyway, our friend Dianny over at Patriot Retort has written a little something about her forever friend, Mary of Bethany, who turns 7 today!

Patriot Retort:

Happy birthday to Dianny’s forever friend.

I can’t let the day go by without wishing a happy birthday to my forever friend Mary of Bethany.

Mary is a pitbull mix who was found wandering the streets of Solvay as a pup in the fall of 2010. She was four months old and very stinky.

But a good Samaritan spotted her, picked her up and took her to the Fairmount Animal Hospital where a friend of mine works.

My friend knew that I was considering getting a new dog. So she texted me a picture of Mary and asked if I was ready.

My last dog Bailey had died four years earlier and I was ready to adopt another. I kept telling my friends that when the right dog came along, I would know.

And here she was!  more here


7 Comments on Happy Birthday to a furry friend

  1. Animal Related,

    Been have quite the little heat wave out here in NorCal. A week straight 105 plus. It was a solid 110 today. I pulled into our Cul De Sac at 6:30 this evening to find out local Deer Herd, all 5 of them, milling around the street. Jumped out of the truck and turned on one of our front yard sprinkler systems for them. It took them about 20 seconds to stat drinking right out of the sprinklers. I checked back about 10 minutes later and they were all laying on the lawn enjoying the water park.

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