Pelosi: Senate Health Care Bill Is ‘Heartless’ – IOTW Report

Pelosi: Senate Health Care Bill Is ‘Heartless’

Daily Caller: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi slammed the Senate GOP’s health care bill, calling it “sad, mean, and heartless.”

Senate Republicans finally released the text of a bill to replace Obamacare Thursday after cries from Democrats that the bill-writing process was not transparent enough.

It didn’t take long for Pelosi to opine on the bill, which, among other things, would repeal the Individual Mandate and Obamacare taxes and make cuts to Medicare.  more here

18 Comments on Pelosi: Senate Health Care Bill Is ‘Heartless’

  1. Pelosi, the “pass it to see what’s in” stooge.
    Obamacare was heartless, costly and unsustainable.
    Why did she exempt herself and Congress from the legislation if it was so great?

  2. Standard play book response from the Democrats. GOP could put out a bill promising free college to all kids, free healthcare to everybody including illegals and reparations for slavery and the Democrat response would be the same old:

    It’s nothing more than tax cuts for the richest 1%
    The poor and middle class will suffer drastically.
    This bill pays off the lobbyists who contribute heavily to the GOP.
    It mean and horrible.
    This bill is draconian in every sense.

    Of course no retort of sound ideas is ever given. Well we know its because they have no sound ideas, but you get the point!

  3. let me guess no tort reform, no selling insurance across state lines,
    congress is still exempt! This is why Biden said it’s passage was a big F’n deal because he knew the sissy republicans would never dismantle it entirely. Let it crumble and focus on TAX CUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. And obamacare is senseless, just like nana shillosi.
    Ever notice how heartless we are when we don’t want to give our hard-earned to every parasite holding their hands out?

  5. THEY DIDN’T READ IT anymore than they read obamacare.

    EVERYTHING the Republicans do is: mean, heartless, cruel.

    The old ways of politicking is dead. No one listens to this broken record anymore.

  6. The whole of indigent medical care would be much better served by a triage system where ‘free’ (community supported/volunteer & student staff) would take care of the 80% of coughs & sniffles that currently make ER’s across the land understaffed & expensive.
    Anything more serious can get kicked to the next level.
    I can’t see central control of health care being any better than centralized control of anything.
    My recent experiences with health care have been, except for the surgeon I chose & his staff, a nightmare of over-repetitious forms, miscommunication, and floor staff that apparently aren’t aware of simple things like some medications need to be taken with food or they’ll fuck you up.
    And the other problem with that – hospital food sucks every bit as bad as it always has.

  7. How about just repeal it, and let the market go back to the way it used to be.
    I used to have a $150 a month ‘I got hit by a bus’ policy.
    Now I have to spend 36 grand before the wife and I get a free band aid each.
    Besides, the folks who have all those subsidies are just learning this year that those subsidies are taxable as income.
    There went any refund you had coming.
    The only thing better than a health care bill, is no health care bill.

  8. My wife and several members of her family are doctors. Sounds great doesn’t it.
    Imagine if you will a slightly hypochondriac type of person eating at a holiday table with 6 doctors
    who keep staring at you as if something may be wrong.
    How long have you had that cough?
    Your face looks flush?
    What’s that mark on your neck?

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