Baltimore: We have bodies dropping on a daily basis – IOTW Report

Baltimore: We have bodies dropping on a daily basis

Daily Caller: The Baltimore Police union warned that the department is “critically” understaffed as the city works to contain a surge in criminal activity.

“It’s time for action,” Gene Ryan, President of the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police said in a statement Wednesday. “We cannot sit back and continue to allow a surging crime rate destroy the good work our police officers and law abiding citizens have accomplished in years prior.”

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27 Comments on Baltimore: We have bodies dropping on a daily basis

  1. Yes, it is difficult when elected political figures, national leaders, former president and staff, Hollywood socialists and progressive communists encourage and openly call for chaos by BLM, Black Panthers, Antifa, gangs and anarchists, then the judiciary fails to incarcerate.
    Violence breeds more violence. Enforce the law and prosecute.

  2. You have such a great mayor in Baltimore.
    Reminds me of our local former mayor of Detorit, Kwami Kilpatrick.
    A fine Irish boy that helped put the city of Detroit on track. Our fine city mirrors other large urban centers around the country that are also filled with Irish populations. We miss Kwami, he’s away on vacation visiting family.

  3. Used to be a great place for a day visit and god food at the inner Harbor. Wouldn’t take an Army Reserve unit there – probably go to Mosul first.

    Thanks to BLM and years and years of Democratic rule the place has become almost a no-go zone.

  4. Overrun by an over breeding population of feral hood rats the results are predictable. That city, and several others need emergency pest control. How about enacting a hunting season with no bag limit.

  5. White liberals should rush in, buy up homes, donate their money, show up for political meetings, rally their base to make change.

    Oh wait. That would require them to practice what the preach. Nevermind….

  6. My dad is from Baltimore. He left in ’52 for the Air Force, during the reign of Tommy D, and only went back so we could visit grandma every year. He scoffed at Rouse’s Inner Harbor when they built it, and he called it “The Inner Horror”. How right he was.

  7. “We cannot sit back and continue to allow a surging crime rate destroy the good work our police officers and law abiding citizens have accomplished in years prior.”

    I’ve often thought: Give law-abiding citizens permission to “clean up” their communities, with extreme prejudice. People know where this element of society tends to congregate. This shit would be solved in a week.

  8. Show me any run down, shot-up, burned out, rat-infested, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden city chock full of corrupt politicians rewarding cronies with public funds, establishing hostile business environments, heavily taxing the most productive citizens, setting up fat pensions for their union friends and I’ll show you a city run by democRATS for decades who “really care” about the poor and the middle class by selling them Hope & Change every election cycle!
    Yeeeaaaah… that’s the ticket. They’ll never catch on!
    All democRATs really care about is cultivating a personal playground dedicated to nothing but pandering for votes for power and money while sucking on the Federal Tit! Baltimore is that shining example of a half-century of democRAT “leadership”. More than that if you don’t count the one Republican they had to put up with in the mid-60s!

  9. Democrats + Government = Abdication of responsibility, poverty, and rampant graft and corruption.
    If you ever wondered what would happen to a village in Africa if they had suddenly unlimited funds, look at Detroit, Chicago, and Baltimore.
    Blacks steeped in Liberal Ideology cannot govern themselves and just make a mess out of everything of which they have control

  10. I’ve come to the conclusion that
    the city should tell the honest
    citizens to stay indoors for a
    week, close all the stores and
    issue free ammo to the scum buckets.
    After a week send in back hoes and
    dump trucks to clean the dead
    gangbangers out of the gutters.

  11. Why not off the head of the snake, George Soros. BLM is paid by Soros to create this nightmare. George, like Obama loves to destroy so stop them. How can Soros maintain his US Citizenship while creating anarchy?

  12. Turn a negative into a positive. Cordon off the bad parts of the city and screen and escort out the women and children (and men) that pass the screening. The seal it up and advertise the place for big game hunters. For $500,000 dollars you can enter carrying whatever your weapon of choice is (within reason) and bag your limit (say 2 gang bangers with each additional one another $500,000. For a minimal fee a trophy is allowed and a city employee will be happy to take and box what you request (staff tipping is encouraged). Put camera’s everywhere and broadcast it on cable as “Urban Survivor: Baltimore”. To be fair, make sure the game is reasonably well armed with AK’s and pistols. Let the hunt go on for a month then send in the guard to round up the surviving game, ship them to an island where a another version of Survivor will take place with the same rules as the urban one. Clean up the area that was used for Season 1 Baltimore and give it back to the people with the understanding no drugs, no guns, no gangs. Failure to adhere to this means “Urban Survivor: Baltimore 2, Everybody Plays”.

  13. I was there recently for the first time since 2006.
    The transformation is stunning. It’s now a mix of Detroit and Mogadishu.

    Even the taxpayer-funded Inner Harbor is like a war zone. Artificial pocket of pricey tourist traps surrounded by wolf packs of prowling predators.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  14. The most devastating weapon(s) on planet earth is a black democrat politician. There is no recovery if they gain a majority of any city’s government.

  15. You can safely drive through Baltimore VIA interstates 95 or 295, or bypass it by using either direction of the 695 beltway. Just don’t exit ANYWHERE between Rosedale and Arbutus. That way you give them space to “destroy” things.

  16. “… during the reign of Tommy D …”

    Nancy Pelosi’s dad. She learned corruption and thuggery from the best.

    Baltimore’s a shit hole. Put a fence around it and keep all the Baltimorons in.
    Any humans left inside are too stupid to understand.
    Leave em to the feral savages.

    izlamo delenda est …

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