It’s not Climate Change, Chelsea. It’s unfettered immigration. – IOTW Report

It’s not Climate Change, Chelsea. It’s unfettered immigration.

Patriot Retort: 

Chelsea Clinton wants us all to know that the return of once-eradicated diseases is the fault of Climate Change.


Well, that would explain why we can’t get rid of the Clintons.

Every time we think we’ve finally beaten back these opportunistic infections, the global temperatures rise and they come roaring back.

Thanks for clarifying that, Chelsea!

And here I thought rising temperatures were common during summer.

But no matter.

The truth is, it’s not Climate Change that’s causing this, Chelsea, you nitwit.

The reason we are seeing a rise in diseases we thought were eradicated is because the US keeps importing unhealthy people from Third World countries.

They’re bringing tuberculosis, scabies, measles, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever and Bubonic plague. MORE

SNIP: The Friggin’ Plague, people! Do you hear?!
Which reminds me- “The Black Plague” is my pet name for both BLM and 0bama.

18 Comments on It’s not Climate Change, Chelsea. It’s unfettered immigration.

  1. I have an entire folder on my desktop FILLED with excuses and ridiculous effects of “climate change.”

    ~People will stop having sex.
    ~Breast sizes will reduce.
    ~Less trees.
    ~More plagues.
    ~Sea Levels rise.
    ~I.Q.s reduced.
    ~Increased terrorism.

    You name it, you’ll get less of what you want, and more of what you don’t want because of global warming.

    Just like everything was Bush’s fault, everything is the fault of global warming, same template, different focus.

  2. There’s pretty big cover up going on in California’s Northern Central Valley. There’s a hell on wheels Norovirus outbreaks that’s being covered up. And it wasn’t caused by warm days.

  3. I go to the Global Incident map, and see Diseases that We Dont’ mentioned on the News…at Least for 40 Years ! Check out the Map, You’ll be Amazed at what’s out there !

  4. Globally, the resurgence in “eradicated” diseases can be attributed to one main cause, radical Islam. Islamists forbid vaccinations, assassinating healthcare workers and community leaders who promote vaccinations. They promote rapid population growth through “reproductive jihad”. They cause widespread famine, unsanitary conditions, destruction of medical infrastructure, massive dislocation of populations, concentration of these populations into squalid refugee camps, and then the mass migration of these disease-ridden, unvaccinated people throughout the world.

    Islamophobia, true islamophobia, forces non-muslim nations to suspend their immigration rules and health standards, endangering previously disease free populations to deadly and debilitating communicable diseases that had been eradicated for at least 50 years.

    To be fair, radical Islam found a fertile environment in the political correctness of the West. That political correctness has also brought us epidemiological failures like the AIDS epidemic, Swine FLu, SARS, Ebola, etc..

    Diseases were eradicated in the West because of vastly improved sanitary conditions, strict quarantines and mandated immunizations. Political correctness has eliminated quarantine as a tool for containing disease and allowed parents to opt their children out of vaccinations.

    AIDs would have been a minor outbreak if mandatory screenings and quarantines had been enforced, but we couldn’t risk putting a stigma on the homosexual population. Now, untreatable tuberculosis is spreading because health officials see the risk of stigmatizing refugees as a greater threat to society.

    Remember that the “last” smallpox patient was from Somalia.

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