Florida Sheriff: ‘If You Need to Shoot Somebody, Shoot Them a Lot’ – IOTW Report

Florida Sheriff: ‘If You Need to Shoot Somebody, Shoot Them a Lot’

CNS: Given radical Islamic terrorist attacks and people’s concern about safety, Florida’s Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd advised that people who are not afraid of a gun should get one, “and if you need to shoot somebody, shoot them a lot.”

He also advised gun owners to “get a concealed firearms license and carry it.”

Sheriff Grady made his remarks to ABC Action News (WFTS) this week.

“If you’re not afraid of a gun, get one,” said the sheriff. “Become proficient. Get a concealed firearms license and carry it.”

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13 Comments on Florida Sheriff: ‘If You Need to Shoot Somebody, Shoot Them a Lot’

  1. Ya know I see all these Sheriffs spouting off. I appreciate their kill all and let God sort them out attitude. “Shoot them, shoot them a lot”. I hope the DA feels the same cause that’t the guy that holds your fate in his hands. Not the Sheriff. So what I’m saying is if you live in one of these counties, ping your DA. Not your Sheriff.

  2. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

    As an old female (cancer surviving, pass the kleenex) I can probably get away with a double-tap to the head easier than a male defender.

  3. He’s dead on, empty that gun into them. A perp that sevives will tie you up for years in court. You’ll likely face some legal issues any way you go but you’ll want the jury to only hear one side of the story.

  4. From an old SAS t-shirt I failed to buy – picture of Sgt. Major and SAS trooper in full battle gear with the caption:

    Sgt. Major: “Trooper, why’d you shoot that terrorist 14 times?”

    Trooper: “Sir, I ran out of ammunition”.

  5. I have a Taurus .327 magnum revolver as my concealed carry piece. First time I used it at the local indoor range, the gun’s report woke up the guys down the line from me. Were really curious as to what I had. This baby has a punch! Federal Hydra-Shoks are my go-to ammo for it, but I use Winchester .32 ACP for my practice shooting, with a set of .327s to finish.

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