Pelosi Invokes God In A Defense Of Abortion Rights – IOTW Report

Pelosi Invokes God In A Defense Of Abortion Rights

The Lid:

A  few weeks ago we told you House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had argued that President Trump’s decision to pull our nation out of the corrupt Paris Climate Accord was somehow dishonoring to God. Now she invoked the creator of the universe again, this time to defend abortion rights.

After the Paris deal was squashed Pelosi made the religious argument with a straight face. Here’s part of what she said:

The bible tells us to minister to the needs of God’s creation as an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us and that is just what we’re doing by walking away from this accord.

The question I have for Donald Trump as a mother and a grandmother of five — and a grandmother of nine — how is he ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe?

Well someone else must have been paying attention to Pelosi’s ridiculous commentary, because on Thursday a reporter finally had the chance to ask Pelosi about her Paris Accord comments and seemed to catch her off guard. The reporter reminded Pelosi of the argument she had made about Paris a few weeks ago and then juxtaposed that argument with Pelosi’s defense of abortion on demand.  MORE

21 Comments on Pelosi Invokes God In A Defense Of Abortion Rights

  1. She is Roman Catholic, she can have all of her sins forgiven through the sacrament of confession. All of them.

    As far as I know she hasn’t been excommunicated, that would change everything..

  2. Zonga,

    “She is Roman Catholic, she can have all of her sins forgiven through the sacrament of confession. All of them.”

    I have asked devout Catholics about wicked people like her and Ted Kennedy. They insist that the person confessing has to be contrite. Contrition, in turn, is proved only by stopping and repudiating whatever it is you’re confessing.

    Now, that’s what I’m told official Catholic teaching is on the matter…what individual Catholics and even some priests may believe could be different.

  3. Eventually everyone gets their due. Its the way of the universe and it can’t be cheated. May be here on earth, or it may be in the next existence. Nancy has racked up quite a tab,

  4. Like all eco-nuts who treat it as its own religion, Pelosi worships the CREATION and not the CREATOR.

    She would not know a real Biblical principle if it bit her on the hind end and held on. The fact that her party promotes murder by abortion, celebrates all manner of sexual perversion (e.g. homosexuality), and always excuses atrocities of the anti-Christ religion known as islam, proves that she is evil and so are her Democrat stooges.

  5. One more thing, anyone that reads the Bible and looks at the Book of Revelations knows that wicked and feeble man has no role in the destruction of the current sin-damaged Earth. That would be the rightful domain of God. He will demonstrate His awesome power in the end times with His judgment.

    Fake climate change is silly and the false belief that man is endangering the planet is hubris of the highest order.

    In the particular context of the Paris agreement. I understand that it is a poorly constructed and simplistic attack on American prosperity. It will have a minuscule impact on any climate parameters. That says it all. Pelosi is mad we walked away from a lop-sided and useless half-measure. She must hate America.

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