TSA’s Sticky Fingers – IOTW Report

TSA’s Sticky Fingers

TSA Goes From Inept To Criminal In Orlando After Money Snatched From Luggage. 

“A passenger was going through security when she was selected for a pat-down search and saw Johnson was standing near her bag.

Afterward, she went through her bag to make sure her cash was still there, but it was missing…. ” MORE

13 Comments on TSA’s Sticky Fingers

  1. Remember that TSA agent in FL that stole an iPad? The media tracked the iPad to the TSA person’s home and then asked her about it. The person denied having it, and then the media set the alarm to go off and you could hear it. She ran back in the house and handed the iPad over to the media. Yeah, they’re all thieves. Just looking for an opportunity.

  2. I have an implanted heart device that freaks them out if I fly – so I don’t anymore. They are uneducated wanna be mall cops who bully anyone they think they can get away with it.

    If I absolutely have to fly somewhere I call my local airport and let it be known that I want to go to ——, and ask them to put it on their wall. I’ve taken 2 private rides (paying expenses) so far and believe me the security is better and less of a hassle. And you’d be surprised at how safe these guys and gals are.

  3. This is just another example of why I no longer fly anywhere. Do we really need to use tax dollars to have someone check to see if a made up name on a ticket matches the name on a fake ID? Do we really need to pay someone to continue a fifteen year search for that elusive second shoe bomb?

  4. Don’t TSA employees make $15.00 an hour?
    This sounds no different than cops confiscating cash or valuables where no charges or arrests are made, under the bullshit asset forfeiture laws.
    Except that’s supposedly “legal”.

  5. I refuse to fly under any circumstances. I spent ten years in the airline industry, and i saw firsthand what goes on behind the scenes. From empty beer cans in cockpit trash, to drunk/stoned flight attendants, to mechanics passing needed maintenance down the line. I’m constantly surprised that there are not more airline crashes is the U.S.

  6. Privatize.

    Airlines have a vested interest in protecting their airplanes and retaining their customers.

    The only one I would be concerned about would be United, which might be beat confessions out of their customers. (That was a joke!)

    The government is ALWAYS too expensive, inept, and Constitution-trampling. The TSA must be disbanded. Remember when Ronald Reagan replaced the striking air traffic controllers? Worked then, and it can be applied now.

  7. I told the TSA screners I had removed the cash from y wallet. The told me I had to hold it up when I went thru the metal detector. I should have shut up and just left it in my pocket. Many people have lost money courtesy of the TSA. I have told all my friends to remove their money when they surrender their wallet. Most had never thought of that.

  8. Trump needs to ban the tsa immediately. The last time i flew the rotten frs were opening some poor lady’s medications and pawing through them. We have dubya and his fellow imbecile tom dumbass ridge to thank for tsa. Privatize it all and deport muzzies

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