Why Hollywood Celebrities Couldn’t Help Ossoff Win in Georgia – IOTW Report

Why Hollywood Celebrities Couldn’t Help Ossoff Win in Georgia


[…] In the end, all the celebrity endorsements meant nothing. To gain an understanding of how little their influence meant to the race, Jon Ossoff received fewer votes (124,893) than a man named Rodney Stooksbury did (124,917) against former Rep. Tom Price in November 2016. Why is this remarkable? For a short period of time, nobody even knew if a man name Rodney Stooksbury existed. He ran no campaign. There are no pictures of him publicly available. His campaign showed expenditures of $427.

The flummoxed Hollywood elite cannot understand how this happened. With all of their support and all of the money they helped to raise, how in the world did Jon Ossoff lose, especially in a well-educated and wealthy district?  MORE

22 Comments on Why Hollywood Celebrities Couldn’t Help Ossoff Win in Georgia

  1. Frankly I think the locals said: “Hell no! We’re not gonna let Hollywood pansies, who can’t wind a watch without a personal assistant, personal trainer, house-keepers, chauffeurs, accountants, consultants and psychiatrists, live messy lives traipsing through the revolving doors of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers, have White neighbors and friends in exclusive neighborhoods and will gladly preach to the average, hard-working, Church-going, over-taxed payer how to live, what to eat, how to raise their kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of electric clown-car to drive (while they ride in limousines) and, of course, who to vote for, just waltz in here and buy an election!”

  2. Funny, Maddow claims the weather only stopped the Dem voters, not those mean old conservatives who ought to hurry up and die so Utopia can arrive.

    Ossuff having a mockable surname and looking like Carlos Danger’s immature kid brother didn’t help.

    Having Hollywood racist Samuel Jackson record a sneering, condescendingly negative commercial definitely hurt him.

    The Dems have whipped Hollywood’s C and D List into constant tweeting.
    It’s self defeating. When the Dems finally figure that out, they’re going to discover they can’t get Hollywood to stop damaging the Cause. Hollywood promotes itself regardless and DNC can’t put those worms back in the can.

  3. Rufus T, it did in fact flood bigly in Dem stronghold precincts, and we in the solid red northern reaches of the Sixth district saw barely a sprinkle all day. But what Maddow fails to mention is that many of those same flooded precincts had already had their voting hours extended–like the Dems do in every goddam election–because the idiot Dems running those precincts could get ther act together in the morning. You just know that some of those turned away at 7:00 AM never made it back to the polls that evening.

  4. @Thirdtwin, thanks for explaining, I had not realized the rain was so precisely targeted. Almost Biblical.

    Lefties are pretty obtuse. Next time it may require the old tried and true– frogs, locusts, rivers of blood.

  5. Listened to the Monica Perez radio show yesterday (libertarian voice on WSB).

    Whoa moment! A caller laid out a scenario concerning Ossoff that she totally accepted.

    The Dems didn’t really think they could win this race but put Ossoff out there for grooming. Much like Obama in his early Chicago days. Ossoff even has the Obama cadence down pat.


  6. BIG Thanks to all of the liberal and Hollywood elite who dumped $30 million into the Georgia economy in their failed attempt to buy a House seat for Jack Ussoff. Let’s do it again some time.

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