To the BLM, hippies and nudists more equal than ranchers with cattle – IOTW Report

To the BLM, hippies and nudists more equal than ranchers with cattle

CFP: No rancher’s cattle straying away to graze the grass on land the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) considers their own will ever get away with it.

While seven ranchers still languish in jail awaiting trial from incidents connected to the 2016 Malheur National Forest Standoff where rancher LaVoy Finicum was shot down under questionable circumstances, up to 30,000 aimless hangers on to the Rainbow Family of Living Light have outfoxed he BLM once again.

A sort of Occupy Wall Street of the Forest, The Rainbow Family of Living Light has been described as “a loosely organised troupe of nudists, hippies and itinerants that meets every summer for a month-long love-in”.

Were it not for their gatherings numbering in the tens of thousands, the odd murder (here) and the heaps of trash they leave behind, Rainbow Family remains as elusive to the authorities as the so-called Bigfoot.

“The Associated Press reported 600 members of the Rainbow group are already camped near Flagtail Meadow in the park, but Malheur National Forest officials are expecting between 10,000-30,000 to arrive by July 4.

“The group refused to sign a special use permit, required for groups of more than 75. The group has noted that it claims no leader, and consequently there is no one to sign such permits.”  more here

7 Comments on To the BLM, hippies and nudists more equal than ranchers with cattle

  1. Bah!
    I know folk who go to that thing every year.
    The real Hippies and their proteges are not any big problem. Other than the usual numbskulls that jump over things and have to go to the hospital, and people that can’t handle their drugs.
    Its the low life that follows any large group of people, especially the ones selling said drugs.
    I think some Liberal ought to donate a thousand acres way the hell out in the boondocks and set up their own Hippie Kingdom. Let them ruin that piece of ground.

  2. No leader when it involves responsibilities, but try exercising your 1A that offends their ideals of a utopian society and every single one suddenly becomes a dictator.

  3. These folks are gathering on NF land which is controlled by the US Department of agriculture. The BLM controls lands under the control of the US Department of the Interior.

    Nitpicking sure….but accuracy counts when arguing.

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