Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff is also feeling queasy – IOTW Report

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff is also feeling queasy


Second Dem Made ‘Queasy’ By Lynch Interference In Clinton Email Investigation.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said on Sunday that Loretta Lynch’s reported directive to former FBI Director James Comey to mislead the public about the Clinton email investigation gives him a “queasy feeling,” echoing similar comments from Comey and Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.

“You know, I think Senator Feinstein’s comment, I would agree with. It does give me a queasy feeling as well,” said Schiff, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, in an interview on CNN.

“There may be a perfectly accurate explanation by Loretta Lynch about why she thought ‘matter’ was the appropriate term rather than ‘investigation.’ I wouldn’t assume James Comey’s characterization is the last word on it, although I’m sure it’s accurate,” Schiff said, adding that he “would like to hear what Loretta Lynch’s explanation for that is.”  more here

18 Comments on Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff is also feeling queasy

  1. I can’t stand that beady eyed twitchy asshole. Lynch must be getting him nervous. Her huge gelatinous ass will be forced to testify and she’s forced to explain her lies. Bet that sloppy cow can produce gallons of sweat.

  2. The only reason he and any other Democrat would be feeling “queasy” is because their phony Trump investigation has backfired magnificently and put the spotlight on fellow Democrats who are obviously guilty from a preponderance of their actions and evidence when Obama was still POTUS.

    Now that Hillary must be really fuming behind the scenes, I would be feeling queasy too knowing that I might be on the list to end up as the victim of a mysterious death. Feeling queasy because one of their comrades was doing wrong, eh not so much.

  3. Rising to the top of a Federal agency is a relatively simple game. Fixed rules, tried and true game plans, tangible status and results.

    Trump is a major 8.0 earthquake, a killer asteroid event in the Uniparty world.
    Let’s hope it’s a Mass Extinction Event.

    Lock them up. “Squeeze them, flip them”, as Comey put it. Could be his epitaph.

  4. They’re all getting lathered up so nothing sticks to them.
    I forgot, I do not recall. I’m weak and wasn’t focusing so I don’t know, can you repeat the question. I need to talk to my lawyer.

  5. Pencil-neck is queezy because he understands Loretta is an affirmative action law school graduate. Any republican on the committee with an above-room temperature IQ (there must be at least one) should be able to paint her in a corner with ease when she testifies.

  6. Don’t worry, Loretta, Barky is about to tear into whoever dares to question your integrity.

    Any minute now.

    He’s waiting for just the right moment to pounce.


  7. Comey ran to his BFF Mueller to coordinate and orchestrate his “story” before testifying.
    Clearly Mueller in effect advised Comey acting as his de facto personal attorney.
    That’s enough to force Mueller to step down and if he refuses, more than sufficient reason to fire him as Special Counsel.

    I expect Lynch and Co are doing the same defensive huddle with Comrade Mueller.

    A white collar crime Prosecutor told me “When those cuffs go on, they forget their legal training and sing like birds.”

  8. Hollywood sound men are splicing Lynch’s voice into the opposite directive, in the fake tape she is telling Comey to call it an investigation, and dig up all the evidence. I wouldn’t be surprised if they construct a green screen of her telling him. After he drops the investigation and declares Clinton only sloppy and without intent, there will be a created tape where she will spanks him.

    Hollywood is doing the same with her tarmac Clinton conversation.

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