SCOTUS Declines to Hear Case Regarding Right to Carry – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Declines to Hear Case Regarding Right to Carry

Federalist Papers: The Supreme Court was asked to hear a case regarding concealed carry rights in California. Unfortunately, the court decided not to hear the case.

The case was brought by a San Diego man who was denied his right to carry a firearm concealed because he didn’t have ‘good cause.’ Apparently in California, self-defense isn’t ‘good cause.’ The 2nd Amendment doesn’t really apply in that state. As The Washington Times reported:

The Supreme Court declined Monday to take up a closely watched gun rights case that challenged restrictions on concealed carry — a decision that earned a stinging rebuke from Justice Clarence Thomas.

In opting not to hear Peruta v. California, the high court let stand an en banc ruling from the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upheld a California law requiring a gun owner to show “good cause” in order to obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun in public. The state law left the authority to decide what constitutes “good cause” up to local authorities, like sheriffs or police chiefs.

Essentially, citizens are at the whim of state authorities. If authorities are anti-2nd Amendment and don’t believe regular citizens should be allowed to protect themselves, they won’t be allowed to carry concealed. Frankly, it’s disgusting, and Justice Clarence Thomas felt the same:  MORE

24 Comments on SCOTUS Declines to Hear Case Regarding Right to Carry

  1. And meanwhile in DC, the District government continues to completely defy the Heller decision as if it never happened.

    Guns everywhere, but only gangbangers have them. Despite Heller it’s virtually impossible to obtain a license to own, and impossible to carry outside the home. Also still illegal to bring a legally owned gun across the line into DC.
    The 2A simply does not exist in DC.

  2. Like I said below, get prepared to hear all about states rights. Isn’t the prime responsibility of the Supreme Court to protect the rights of the individual even and especially if it’s against a tyrannical state? We are a Republic. WTF? I’m anxious to hear who rendered what opinion.

  3. 4 years in the military, nearly 2 of which in VN.
    Since that time I have received over 1400 hours of professional instruction from some of the most experienced, professional instructors in the US, was an NRA instructor, participated in defensive pistol and three gun competition and have sent 10s of 1000’s of rounds down range. I am better trained than the majority of police departments.
    I have carried illegally for over 30 years.
    And I can read and interpret the Constitution without a law degree or a judge’s robe.
    I now live in a State that has concealed carry, I refuse to gain government approval or buy (taxed) a permit to exercise my Constitutional rights.
    It may very well be against the law, but it is an unconstitutional law. The unconstitutional law has made me a criminal, if and when, I am caught. In the same light if I or my family face a life threatening situation I will not hesitate to eliminate the threat by any means available.
    I have rights in this country and they are enumerated in the US Constitution until Congress passes an amendment by 2/3rds majority of the House and Senate and 3/4 of the States (38) must ratify the amendment.
    Upon the confirmation of the 38th yea, the Amendment becomes part of the Constitution, amending, or changing, whatever the subject of the amendment covers–whether it be a new cause, or eliminating an old Amendment.
    Up until that point the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. No interpretation takes that away.
    If I go to prison exercising my rights, this is not a free country and the Constitution is dead, ruled by Judges who have a political agenda.
    In reality the constitution has irrevocably changed and our rights have been endangered and denied.
    I’ve gotten to the age, I have no more fucks to give.

  4. I am not advocating anyone do the same.
    It is a personal decision of peaceful disobedience of an unlawful infringement of my 2nd amendment right.
    If congress wishes to do their job (doubtful)repeal/replace the amendment for Congressional clarification. If they can allow the judiciary making it legal to murder 100’s of thousands of US babies in their mothers wombs, certainly they can allow citizens the right to keep and bear arms with no infringment.

  5. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights says… “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

  6. @Bad_Brad
    I have been very fortunate.
    3 of us left So. Illinois to go about 400 miles north to the range we frequent.
    Had fairly new cop stop me before Illinois became carry state.
    We (3 of us) had numerous calibers of Rifles, shotguns, pistols and numerous cases of Ammo for a two week training shoot with owner of the range. They were all out in the open in the Expedition, clearly seen by him.
    Went the regular routine, license, insurance and another form of ID for all three of us. After running every thing through their system, he asked what were doing with all the guns and Ammo.
    We told him we were heading to the range. No ticket and he gave us a route that saved 15 miles off our travel.
    But as you say some of the police forces have a john wayne attitude and have been militarized to the point they think they’re gestapo trying to get an atta-boy from the Sheriff. Praise God for the good guys.

  7. cato

    Our local range ain’t much. Personally I the shooting at a range, prefer the National Forrest where I can move. Back on topic, I’ve built guns for a couple Sheriffs and a couple Range Masters for the local place. They train on Tuesdays. Youngest non cop is about 75. I was more than impressed. These old guys and cops training together where a force to be reckoned with.

  8. Before one of the ranges that we frequent went private ownership and got all phoo-phooed up, it was a fun range-real laid back, and run by off duty LEOs and DNR. Chicago LEOs and undercover LEOs, dreadlocks and all, used to make the drive. Along with the vets, they were the most fun and instructive guys- especially to granny types like me. I miss the old atmosphere.

  9. PJ,

    You should try and track one of those guys down and find out where they’re training. If you’re standing still, and putting small diameter holes in big pieces of paper you are not training.

  10. @ Brad

    I actually have contact info for one who was retired but needed to keep qualified for continued carry. However, I can’t physically do the traing that DH did with one of our boys a few years ago. They were put through the ropes for an entire weekend. Son is now doing competition. DH is running me through everything I can physically handle.

    I can do the duck down, left hand, right hand shooting and stuff like that, but can’t run butween cover points to shoot. The crips got me before I started shooting. If I wasn’t lame, I’d be a badass granny. 🙂

  11. I’m not gun knowledgeable. You can’t ‘conceal carry’. Does that mean that if you are licensed you can use a visible holster to carry, legally?

    In other words, in CA are there two degrees of ‘carry’; a-concealed carry or b-just carry?

  12. @ MM,
    Concealed carry is a license, open carry in most states is
    a right.
    There are those of us that don’t give a shit and concealed carry
    wherever we want.
    I do not know the crazy rules commipornia has on open carry. You
    would have to look it up by county and city rules as they are that
    phuckered up.

  13. “Concealed carry is a license, open carry in most states is
    a right.”

    Not really that simple, reboot.

    Here in Texas you need a license to open carry a hand gun and also to conceal carry.

    In Arizona, you do not need a license to carry either open or concealed.

    Your state will, almost assuredly, vary.

    Despite what Hollywood has wrought about Texas lore, I don’t think Texas gets out of the bottom 10 on gun freedoms.

  14. Timing is everything. With any luck at all Trump will have named two more to the court within the next two or three years. THEN make the second amendment the law of the land!

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