Media Reporter For “The Hill” Shames CNN On Tucker Carlson Tonight – IOTW Report

Media Reporter For “The Hill” Shames CNN On Tucker Carlson Tonight

“I don’t mind when you get it wrong, but the problem is as you said, thinly sourced as in only one source,” he said. “Do you know how many reporters were on the byline of that story? Four. That’s a four to one reporter to source ratio.”


8 Comments on Media Reporter For “The Hill” Shames CNN On Tucker Carlson Tonight

  1. An “anonymous source” they invented at home in bed, typing on their toilet.

    99% of these Anonymous Sources are completely nonexistent.
    Just an excuse to publish a Smear Du Jour.

  2. The senior experienced old-school-journalists were forced out by the 1,000s in the 2008-2011 corporate media downsizing.

    They were replaced by young kids just out of J School who will work cheap or nearly-free; unpaid interns now generate a LOT of what you read.
    They are 25-26, they have zero life experience, and their majors were all in soft chitchat subjects (Sociology, Cinema Studies). They think Twitter and Snopes are reliable sources. They are always SJWs, they believe their job is to Change The World And Achieve Social Justice. They are overwhelmingly female (80%) or gay.

    They are exactly the employees that CNN/NYT/WAPO etc want. Big media employers dictate their wants and likeminded J Schools are eager to comply.

  3. CNN. There with Hilary, dodging Bosnian sniper fire on the tarmac.
    CNN, there with Brian Williams when he singlehandly piloted the Apollo 13 lunar capsule safely back to Earth against all odds.
    CNN, there at Ground Zero in Hiroshima 1945, reporting live. Oh, wait.
    CNN, undercover live streaming from Moscow, underneath Putin’s desk when he first met secretly with Comrade Donsky Trumpsky to arrange secretly replacing all 98,000 US election workers with identical lookalike KGB agents.

    This should be a Meme.

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