Nevada: Las Vegas teacher sentenced to 12 1/2 to life – IOTW Report

Nevada: Las Vegas teacher sentenced to 12 1/2 to life

EAG: LAS VEGAS – A former Las Vegas kindergarten teacher will serve between 12 ½ years and life in prison for kidnapping a 16-year-old girl and creating child pornography in his apartment for two months.

District Judge Stefany Miley issued the sentence to 48-year-old Melvyn Sprowson, who repeatedly professed his love for the 16-year-old and described the relationship as a “bad moral decision,” the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports.

Sprowson weaved his career as an educator with his religion in a rambling justification for his actions when he addressed the court on Monday.

“This is an issue of age of consent. This is not an issue of me being a criminal and having criminal intent,” he said. “One day I will die, and I will wake up in the arms of Jesus. That is my sole consideration in this whole process. The Lord knows what happened. I have a clear conscious before God.”

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12 Comments on Nevada: Las Vegas teacher sentenced to 12 1/2 to life

  1. How DARE that revolting animal use the name of Christ as a way to garner sympathy. D i s g u s t i n g.

    Jesus have mercy on the girl and her spiritual and emotional health. Heal her.

  2. Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    He obviously skipped this verse. His remaining time in prison will seem like ClubMed compared to his eternal destination.

  3. If he had kidnapped a boy and done that, we’da never heard about it.
    Or if he’da been a rag-head.

    He may discover that Jesus (Our Lord Almighty) doesn’t take well to perverts and other abusers of children.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m as revolted as everyone else here st this Scum trying to wrap himself and his unrepentant smug defiance in Jesus.
    That ought to have escalated sentencing by another 20 years.

    This could have easily morphed into a murder to silence the victim.

    It’s seriously time for major sentencing reform. This is what the Death Sentence is for.
    Soon the driving force will be not just preventing repeat offenders, but the crushing economic burden of life in prison.

    How crazy is it that Californians have had to pay for 50 years of keeping Charles Manson in glowing good health?

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