CA: Minimum wage hikes in L.A. could be bad news – IOTW Report

CA: Minimum wage hikes in L.A. could be bad news


On Saturday 10 California cities will boost their minimum wage, but a new study out of Seattle shows that those pay hikes could end up in layoffs, reduced hours, and a decline in income for the workers it’s meant to help.

In April 2015 Seattle bumped up its minimum wage from $9.47 to $11 an hour, and in 2016 it went up to $13 an hour.

This dramatic change forced employers to reduce hours, hold off on new hiring, and even fire workers.

Robert Kleinhenz, executive director of research for Beacon Economics in Los Angeles, thinks the same thing will happen here:  MORE

12 Comments on CA: Minimum wage hikes in L.A. could be bad news

  1. Has anyone taken notice of the frozen food section at your grocery store and how its doubled in size? That’s because there will be very few restaurants to go to in the future. for some it won’t be affordable for a family of 4 or even 2 to go out and enjoy a meal. Far cheaper to eat a microwaved PF Chang Orange Chicken meal than go to their restaurant and pay 3-4 times the amount for the same thing. Restaurants in SF tack on a medical care tax for their employees onto your bill. I circle it and deduct it from the tip. I refuse to pay it. Well, Marie Callendars pot pie for lunch today – $2.99 and no tip.

  2. It’s a feel good measure designed to get votes for Democrats. As for many minimum wage workers, they believe in the casino theory – sure, a lot of people may lose jobs or money, but it won’t be them.

    In terms of a minimum worker’s lifestyle, I don’t see much of an impact in the LA area. LA is an expensive city to live in, and you really can’t live adequately on $15 an hour. Also, I wonder about the impact on people below the poverty line – will the increase in wages push the poor into an income tax bracket or disqualify them from benefits? There may be a net loss.

  3. Wyatt said: “Also, I wonder about the impact on people below the poverty line – will the increase in wages push the poor into an income tax bracket or disqualify them from benefits? There may be a net loss.”

    It might push them into finding a better job or get an education. Some restaurants take EBT cards which WE PAY FOR! I take that as a slap in the face to working people who pay for those EBT cards. Low income have to learn to budget just like the rest of us – but they don’t. Case in point: Latisha, “Should I buy peanut butter or beans with my WIC?” Shawna: “Buy the peanut butter Latisha, you have to cook the beans and that’s too much work even though beans are cheaper.”

  4. Hubby and I can afford to eat out but once a week. We go to our fave local gastro pub which ALWAYS has BOGO on entrees.

    I’ve always wondered how peeps with no jobs are always eating out. Now I know…..EBT CARDS. SMDH – Now I wish I didn’t know.

  5. Since the objective is the total impoverishment of America (negroes, mexicans, and the young, in particular) this is a good thing – more on welfare, more taxes, more on welfare, increase taxes some more, even more on welfare … ya see how it goes … ObolaNomics 101 (the first week of Socialism 101).

    CA should be tickled shitless.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim’s right as usual. The real goal here is forcing more Unemployment by pushing already marginalized workers (young, unskilled, mostly black or Latin) out of work.
    $15/ hr plus additional fringe costs are unaffordable to most businesses. The Dems know that as surely as they know Warming was a hoax and Utopia is something you sell the Rubes while you grab power.

    Ask a Leftist why, if $15 is good, wouldn’t $100 be better? Why not $150? $200?
    Why doesn’t our big rich government just provide everyone with a nice car, a nice house and a guaranteed income?

    McDonalds is replacing cashiers with self serve kiosks. Stock just hit new highs.

    Agenda 21’s replacement of the workforce through AI/ robotics is charging along.

    White collar professionals still in denial about being replaced by AI. Not even on radar for AMA/APA/ABA/NEA/etc.
    Not even on their radar.

  7. No, I really like the idea of doubling everyone’s wages. And I’m not talking about just those menial, entry-level minimum wage jobs – how about we double salaries for everyone in the country? Gosh, can’t you just smell the prosperity? Probably wouldn’t have any undesirable consequences, either…

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