FBI Agent Indicted in Shooting Death of Rancher LaVoy Finicum – IOTW Report

FBI Agent Indicted in Shooting Death of Rancher LaVoy Finicum

CFP: The truth will always out.  The truth will always out even when top authorities squat on it for five long months in efforts to suppress it from ever finding sunlight.

“An FBI agent has been indicted and accused of lying about firing shots at slain Oregon militia member LaVoy Finicum during a fatal roadside encounter, according to (a) report.” (NY Daily News, June 28, 2017)

“A year-long investigation prompted charges of making a false statement with the intent to obstruct justice against the agent, the Oregonian reported.

“He was not immediately identified pending a federal court appearance Wednesday in Portland.

“Oregon state troopers noted multiple gun rifle casings where the FBI agents had been standing during the Jan. 26, 2016, shooting. During a later probe, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office determined one agent fired two shots at Finicum’s pickup truck after it crashed into a snowbank. The team of federal agents then covered up the shooting by removing the casings, the sheriff alleged.

“The initial shots the agent fired failed to hit Finicum, 54. He was fatally shot moments later when troopers opened fire.

“One bullet struck his heart.

“Finicum was traveling in a convoy with militia leaders, the brothers Ammon and Ryan Bundy, to a community meeting. Finicum, a self-proclaimed spokesman for the armed group, helped seize the Malheur Wildlife Refuge for about a month in southeast Oregon.”

The FBI agents involved in the shooting called the LaVoy Finicum tragedy a “routine traffic stop”—and got away with it since Jan. 26, 2016.


24 Comments on FBI Agent Indicted in Shooting Death of Rancher LaVoy Finicum

  1. Wow. Now that is truly surprising. I remember that video and concluded, even tho i am a 1000% supporter of our police (not so much the FBI tho) and military, that what the bozo FBI dufus did was an outrage. No real, competent police organization would ever botch something like that up so badly except the FBI.

  2. The State Police killed him.

    The accused FBI agent shot twice at the truck, nobody was hit, and that was covered up by the FBI removing shell casings.

    I don’t see anybody being charged with murder in this story.

    What am I missing?

  3. Routine Traffic stop? More like a set up with dubious intent.
    No murder charges, just obstruction of Justice?

    The elite are above the law, and their elite hitmen, the rogue BLM, FBI and ATF agents are covered by the deep state.

    Nothing will come of this, the government is always right.

  4. The fbi put on a very repulsive display of arrogance throughout the Malheur wildlife refuge operation. As did the blm. They seem to honestly believe they are above the law. Shooting innocent people seems to be just part of the job. No worries. Lie to the fbi and off to prison you go. fbi lies to us, that is just standard operating procedure. The double standards are as vile and corrupt as the murder of Lavoy. Unless Trump can restore it, there is no justice in our world. Its just business for profit and resume padding. I agree with Tim. Premeditated murder. To make a political point. The point being; submit to tyranny or die.

  5. If the FBI lied, and colluded to cover up evidence, is it too much of a stretch to assume they also planted the 9mm hand gun on Levoy? Such practices used to be common and maybe still are.

  6. In NYC a few yeas ago cops were charged with murder (later acquitted I think) for shooting a guy holding a cell phone because it “looked like a gun”. Levoy had nothing in his hand, but gets shot because he looked like he was reaching for one. Cops had cover, Levoy didn’t they could have waited until (and if) he pulled one.

  7. Funny how occupy wall street can protest and occupy for months without anybody getting shot by the feds. But by gosh you set up in an empty building in the Oregon desert there is hell to pay.

  8. But I can imagine if Comey were still there, this murderous Jackboot would be on an overseas assignment and completely unreachable. Because that’s how the deep state and the Dems roll.

  9. Remember Fast &Furious and Kevin O’Reilly?

    “Last fall, the White House said O’Reilly was unavailable because he was on assignment for the State Department in Iraq. Investigators said they were willing to do the interview by phone, and O’Reilly’s lawyer said he had no objection.

    However, White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler said O’Reilly will not be made available.”


  10. That was a Obama admin ordered hit. They would have gotten away with it if not for the helicopter video showing muzzle flashes from the FBI behind a vehicle. W/O the video, the FBI would have denied ever firing any shoots, let alone initiating Finicum’s murder.

    I hope the indicted agent is convicted and then turns on his bosses. There’s a new sheriff in town and his name is Trump.

  11. Meanwhile, 10s of thousands of filthy hippy Rainbow Family members descend on the Malhauer National Forest (within spitting distance of Levoy’s murder site), and the Feds just throw their hands up and say there is nothing they can do. So I guess the message we take away is next time there is a protest against government over reach we just need more participants?

  12. I echo another commenter that stated, quite correctly that the man was killed by STATE TROOPERS! Yet you read the comments and people are all ready to drag an FBI agent (yes, he was guilty of firing a couple of shots then lying and trying to coverup it up) out and lynch him. They are even making accusations that the FBI planted a gun on the victim. The FBI agents deserves to be fired and get whatever the law allows for trying to obstruct a federal investigation and he deserves no protection for being a government agent but that’s all he deserves. Not every FBI agent is a Comey-like conspirator against the constitution, some are just bad agents that need to be removed from the agency and, in the case of men like this, tried for breaking the law. Go after the State Troopers and FBI men that commanded this mess from Washington or Salem.

  13. They wanted some payback for trying to confiscate cattle feeding on rangeland they deemed off limits. The farmers showed up heavily armed and backed their government asses down. They had it in for him and Bundy. The ranchers were ready for the thugs and weren’t going to allow another ruby ridge. They lost face.

  14. Still waiting for my murdering government to be brought to justice for the Mount Carmel massecre. Not to mention the Eliana Gonzales kidnapping. My government murders with abandon. Once you lose the consent of the governed it gone forever.

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