TSA may inspect food and books – IOTW Report

TSA may inspect food and books


…In the new system, passengers are required to take all reading material and food out of their carry-on luggage and place it in a separate bin. TSA screeners can “fan” through travelers’ books to see if anything is hidden in the pages, but agency officials insist they will not pay attention to the content.  – MORE

18 Comments on TSA may inspect food and books

  1. I see an entrepreneurial opportunity here. If the TSA goons are going to be fanning through books, how about publishing some of those animated flip books showing TSA doing things like beating up grandmothers with walkers, stealing smart phones, or feeling up middle school girls?

  2. The Airline Industry is a powerful lobby.

    Weirdly the CEOs are silent as the TSA adopts new policies that will drive their customers away.

    Denial and complacency.

  3. Most TSA employees know in an instant who is a threat and who is not. Yet they’re afraid of being torn to shreds because of political correctness. The Israeli’s have it figured out and have a 100% success rate. PROFILE as if your lives depend on it. It does. There should be one line for those who just wanna get from A to B, and another line for those who’ve possibly been indoctrinated. Muslims, professors, democrats, journalists, artists, gays, and Hollywood types should have to go thru one line. Normal folks should be able to fast track.

  4. I had a 1,500 word essay describing my feelings about the TSA. I felt it was much too long so I eliminated most of the obscenities and part of the unnecessary offensive language and this is what I ended up with;

    FUCK the TSA.

  5. Uummmmmmm……I thought the x-ray took care to see anything dangerous in the carry on items.
    Just another excuse to extend gubberment overreach….literally.

  6. AQAP Al Nasiri something is a reputed master bomb expert, intel says he continues perfecting an untraceable explosive with all nonferrous ignition chain. They’re looking for sheets of it in books and papers.

  7. We are flying to another remote country in December, and
    not ONE phucking flight is a US company. I get treated better
    in the Philipines than I do in the US.

  8. Expect to never see another agent that isn’t morbidly obese, given their pension for theft passenger belongings. And the books won’t be touched, they need to be read.

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