Italy Considers Closing Ports to Non-Euros – IOTW Report

Italy Considers Closing Ports to Non-Euros

Europe has been on edge for months, as middle eastern migrants flood into the continent to escape the violence of ISIS and the civil war in Syria.

It is no coincidence that Europe’s recent surge in terror attacks has come at a time when EU member nations are taking in a record number of asylum seekers from the middle east.  ISIS and other caliphate organizations have been taking advantage of Europe’s relaxed border standards in order to disguise their lone wolf operatives as refugees, moving them to the far corners of Europe with astounding ease.  This has caused several EU nations to openly defy the migrant quotas being imposed by their leadership, with Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary leading the charge.  Now, it looks as though Italy may also consider a blockade of potentially dangerous boats full of refugees.  read more

SNIP: Non devi andare a casa ma non puoi rimanere qui.

10 Comments on Italy Considers Closing Ports to Non-Euros

  1. Round em all up, send them back to the gawd awful satanic worshiping middle east, northern African shit holes they came from. Drop them off 250 meters from the their native shore every time they show up in the Christian world. Put up a massive barrier to the God loving, God fearing, Christian countries of Europe. Make that barrier at least 1000 meters from shore. Those worthless pieces of shit muslims escape from their muslim hell holes then demand the Christian countries put them on welfare as they continue to endorse the very same principles they escaped from. 1,600 years of inbreeding has not done them any good. Sorry.

  2. Slightly OT: if you have time, please read “Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited” by Emmet Scott.

    It is a follow up of “Mohammed and Charlemagne” by Henri Pirenne.

    The books are about how the Arabs and Muslims moved into areas and regions in northern Africa and the Mediterranean Basin and completely destroyed the civilization that was there, leaving only piles of rocks and dirt.

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