Teen Killed in Transgender Gang Feud – IOTW Report

Teen Killed in Transgender Gang Feud

Breitbart: A teenager in Athens, Georgia, was killed this weekend following a feud between two transgender groups, according to a report.

“Rayquann Deonte Jernigan, 17, who was known to friends by the chosen name of Ava Le’Ray Barrin, was killed Sunday morning by a single gunshot fired by 21-year-old Jalen Breon Brown in the parking lot of Riverview Apartments on College Avenue,” reported the Athens Banner-Herald. “The initial argument that started the feud was not even between Brown and Jernigan, who had not yet legally changed his name.”

Police Capt. Jerry Saulters claimed the incident “started out as an argument between friends of the suspect and victim,” before Brown allegedly killed Barrin with a single shot.


26 Comments on Teen Killed in Transgender Gang Feud

  1. I casually wonder what that looked like.
    Girls (formerly boys) vs. Boys (formerly girls) or what?
    I can’t keep score. The teams keep changing uniforms.
    And body parts. Or reasonable facsimiles of body parts.

  2. What did that say? There have been 14 transgender persons killed this year??? This is the first time I have heard that! They must be killing each other, otherwise it would have been all over the news 24-7. Regardless, i am sure it is somehow Donald Trump’s fault. There must be a link.

  3. But I thought that since transgenders are such marginalized victims, they were extremely tolerant of everyone, including members of their own, elite “group.” If that’s true, and the media and progressives keep telling me it is, how could a transgender inflict violence on another transgender?

  4. The “girl-boys” have penis envy and “boy-girls” are experiencing pms envy?

    Could that be it or are they in the immortal psychiatrist partner of mine’s words “just f–king crazy?”

    (We used to yell at him because the DSM didn’t list that as a billable code for insurance purposes.)

  5. If your child was born girl, but now calls itself boy, is it allowed to roam the streets unchaperoned, killing people? Or does being born girl mean you must still keep it home, until married, and not allow it to roam the streets unchaperoned, killing people?

    If your child was born boy, but now calls itself girl, is it allowed to roam the streets unchaperoned, killing people? Or does calling itself girl mean you must keep it home, until married, and not allow it to roam the streets unchaperoned, killing people?

  6. Sodomites.

    Every man of Sodom, young and old, surrounded Lot’s house in lust after the two strange visitors. They would have mob raped them to death, were they able, and threatened to do likewise with Lot for standing in their way.

    Little has changed.

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