Texas to Feds: End DACA or We Will Sue, Nine Other States Join – IOTW Report

Texas to Feds: End DACA or We Will Sue, Nine Other States Join

Breitbart: A ten-state coalition led by the Texas attorney general sent a letter to the Trump Administration asking for an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) program. The group threatened to sue if the federal government does not end the program.

DACA, put in place by an administrative action under the Obama Administration,  granted temporary legal status and the right to work to millions of young people brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents.

“We respectfully request that the Secretary of Homeland Security phase out the DACA program,” Texas Attorney General Paxton and the coalition wrote in a letter (attached below) to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “Just like DAPA, DACA unilaterally confers eligibility for work authorization and lawful presence without any statutory authorization from Congress.”

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12 Comments on Texas to Feds: End DACA or We Will Sue, Nine Other States Join

  1. @MJA June 30, 2017 at 1:40 pm

    More like an opportunity for the Columbian League to play Let’s Make a Deal With Ourselves. The Blue Jerseys scream “Oh noes! They’re going to send our fans home! Fans we love you. Not like the evil Red Jerseys. Will you still love us, if we take a dive to the evil Red Jerseys? To keep you in the stands?” The Red Jerseys “ask” (it’s already been scripted, of course), “What do you propose?” So the Blue Jerseys “acquiesce” (it’s already been scripted, of course), to tax cuts and allowing rules that are not laws to return to being “unenforced,” that the kleptocrats who wave Red Jersey banners, want. And the Red Jerseys agree that the Blue Jersey fans can stay. Which the kleptocrats who wave Red Jersey banners, also want, of course. And all the kleptocrats who wave Blue Jersey banners, and all the kleptocrats who wave Red Jersey banners, climb into their private jets to meet up, again, in the Hamptons. Without the maroons, of course.

  2. Surprised POTUS did not just reverse this Obama EO program in the first month.

    I agree multiple states and AGs give him more political/judicial cover.

    No Amnesty. Send them home. Now.

    Good news: Nashville just dropped plans to become a Sanctuary City.
    Tide is turning.
    Handwriting’s on The Wall.

  3. @Rufus T. Firefly:
    YES! I live in Nashville and nobody was happier than I when our Council had to withdraw that horrific ordinance. Our dumb blonde mayorette is dreadful– a super Libtard.I was delighted to see that the Great State of Tennessee has joined the coalition to end DACA. 👏

  4. In the 70’s I lived in western Nebraska. I remember every winter the
    mexicans would go back south to home for the winter, and then come up
    for the spring.
    Then the goddamn socialists started giving them money and other
    programs. And we wonder why they flock here now?

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