Maxine Waters wants to send Trump into exile… After she impeaches him. – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters wants to send Trump into exile… After she impeaches him.

Hannity: Radical leftist lawmaker Maxine Waters has decided that her never-ending crusade to impeach President Trump may not go far enough, saying she was now “exploring” her options to have Donald Trump exiled from the United States.

Waters posted her ludicrous comments on social media; responding to President Trump’s tweets earlier Thursday regarding MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and his fiancé Mika Brzezinski.

Maxine scolded Trump, saying she was “fed up with this President” and suggesting he should be exiled to Russia after the upcoming G-20 meeting in Germany.

“Maybe he should just return to Russia w/ [Putin] & their favorite amb. Sergey Kislyak,” she posted.   more here

32 Comments on Maxine Waters wants to send Trump into exile… After she impeaches him.

  1. Real Election Fraud Reform and Enforcement is the solution here.

    Eliminate Illegals voting, and local official ballot tampering, and no-ID ballot fraud, and people like Maxine Waters will cease being elected. As simple as that.

    It can be done. All it requires is our President and the American people supporting him.

  2. We should send him to Elba to live with Napoleon and the other 700 billion people that Maxine thinks are going to lose medical insurance in America.
    They can talk about Sheila Jackson Lee’s four hundred year old American Constitution. Of course the island is going to tip over from that many people but hey, life’s hard.

  3. It would seem that most crooks will commit another crime at some point. Her husband most certainly seems to be some form of hustler and I suggest that Maxine is as well (witness her tampering of a government agency to see that the bank her husband speculated upon recieved a government bail out loan). Now it is true that Maxine was found not guilty of any impropriety by the toothless crack congress investigation squad (Police Squad more likely) however I’ll bet she’s artifical hip deep in other stuff as is her husband and likely those close to her. I’m not sure how to approach this as most government departments seem to have been corrupted by years of Democrats and years of neglect by Republicans. Maybe it will take the purchase of a national network (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX) along with a Drudge like website only more professional and no ads and no backtracking by some rich, actual patriots that are willing to commit their fortune to freeing this country instead of giving it to PBS or Harvard. Go after any Democrat, Republican or government official that’s committing a criminal act.

  4. Maxine – one of the original members of the Klown Posse.
    Playing the fool and spewing stupid shit never hurt a single one of this Demonrat clique – in fact, the more foolish and stupid the talk, the higher in esteem they are held by their claque.

    Sort of a Klown Clique Claque.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Maxipad fo prezydent. She’s uptight and outta sight.

    It’ll never happen. She’s bat shit crazy even by
    Democrat standards. On the other hand, Bernie faired pretty well.

  6. Total system failure.
    She should be disassembled to find the malfunctioning component(s).
    I suspect a factory error. Possibly a brain for a lower primate, a lemur or maybe a pangolin was installed by mistake.

  7. Yes, LOVE the ‘little’ men-in-waiting! So sweet, but still looks as if they each have ‘something’ up their sleeves. Impeach the Queen and Prince possibly? Or kidnap and exile to the island of Doctor Moreau?

    Certainly NOT repealing a nasty healthcare law!?!

  8. OK Maxine, if you can get him thrown out of office, I’ll go along with exile.
    But if you lose, you get shot into orbit with a cannon.
    Besides if he’s impeached, Pence pardons him, appoints him Vice President and resigns. Trump is President again and he appoints Mike Pence as VP
    So have at it

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