CNN’s Ratings Plummet In June – IOTW Report

CNN’s Ratings Plummet In June


American Lookout:

[…] On Tuesday, CNN’s primetime viewership peaked at only 886,000 overall viewers, whereas MSNBC peaked at 2.77M and Fox News peaked at 2.79M viewers. In the coveted 25-54-year-old demographic, CNN was only able to amass 308,000 viewers at its peak.

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12 Comments on CNN’s Ratings Plummet In June

  1. I must admit curiosity as to why MSNBC’s numbers are so robust while CNN struggles. Aren’t they basically the same bias? My impression is that MSNBC is even further left (or at least appears so to the public), perhaps that’s what drives viewers to them.

  2. CNN. They never really got over that missing Malaysia Air story.
    I did like their panel on whether it flew into a Black Hole. Or UFOs. Or Bush’s CIA.

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