CA: Lawmakers run up taxpayer-funded gas cards following massive tax hike – IOTW Report

CA: Lawmakers run up taxpayer-funded gas cards following massive tax hike


California’s lawmakers passed the biggest gas-tax increase in state history back in April.

CBS2’s David Goldstein uncovered that on the same day the tax passed, 11 charges for more than $400 in gasoline were racked up on state-issued credit cards assigned to both the Senate and the Assembly.

That’s just a small amount of the tens of thousands of dollars in gas charges he discovered, but the Legislature doesn’t want the public to know who’s using those cards.

Kris Vosburgh with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association told Goldstein:

“It would be funny if it isn’t so painful. They are raising the gasoline tax 46 percent; they’re raising the car tax. Yet these folks don’t want to divulge how much it is that they’re spending on the free gasoline they get.”

Goldstein requested monthly statements from the state-issued gas cards assigned to the Legislature, but the statements have more redacted information than they do actual information.  more here



8 Comments on CA: Lawmakers run up taxpayer-funded gas cards following massive tax hike

  1. Their excuse for an increase on the gas tax was that they has spent the money from the existing gas tax on free shit for their pet wetbacks.

    It wasn’t even two months later that they spend all the money from the newly increased gas tax, not on road maintenance and stuff (as was stated), but on even more free shit for even more pet wetbacks.

    If I has a few really large iron asteroids, Sacramento, and a few other places, would be craters.

  2. At 2.50 a gallon that’s 160 gallons. Even at $.50 that’s only $80. Do they often hand the state’s Attorney General with that much evidence of fraud?

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