Court rejects EPA attempt to halt Obama-era methane rule – IOTW Report

Court rejects EPA attempt to halt Obama-era methane rule


WT: A federal court Monday dealt a blow to President Trump and upheld an Obama-era rule limiting methane emissions from oil and gas wells, delivering a legal setback to the EPA’s attempt to undo virtually all of the previous administration’s environmental rules.

In a 2-1 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit canceled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s 90-day stay on the methane rule, which he announced about a month ago. The stay temporarily suspended the methane regulation initially put in place in August 2016. The rule requires oil and gas well operators to to monitor and limit emissions at drilling sites.

The stay came at the direct urging of the fossil fuels industry, which said the rule represented a massive financial and regulatory burden. The Obama EPA itself estimated compliance costs could be as high as $530 million.  more

20 Comments on Court rejects EPA attempt to halt Obama-era methane rule

  1. Judicial overreach.

    Make the full House and Senate vote on it.
    They (the Legislative Branch) has no authority to allow Executive Agencies to make law in their stead.

    Impeach the “judges” and re-visit the Constitutionality of the EPA as well as Judicial “oversight” of an illegitimate rogue agency.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Just don’t enforce it while awaiting to formulate the new rule; President Obama chose not to enforce rules and laws he did not like…sauce for the goose and all that.

  3. The central problems with rulings from the bench on environmental matters is they have absolutely no sense of scale and no scientific background at all. They’re amateurs, manipulated like stern-faced children by environmental fanatics.

  4. History shows judges are easily controlled and easily managed into the desired behavior.

    It only requires a firm hand.

    IRS and forensic financial audits do wonders.
    So does scanning their email history and browser history.
    Collusion, bribe-taking and other Felonies WILL be found.
    Make 1 or 2 high profile examples. Having them commit “suicide” in their cells while awaiting trial sends the perfect message.

    There will be a sudden wave of unexpected Leftist “retirements” to save pensions, honors and reputations intact. Fine. Let them go, and replace them. Clean and fairly easy.

  5. Can’t Trump simply sign an executive order to halt Obama’s overreach? Lord knows Obama wore out a few bics toward the end of his reign. Happy Birthday to all our American cousins.

  6. OK, POTUS has the Marxist media on the ropes, he’s moving diligently on voter fraud, now it’s time to close the third front of the war for the soul of America.

    But, unfortunately, he needs Representatives with the balls to impeach each and everyone of these over reaching POS judges. We may have to put up with this until we can cleanse the GOP of the stain of Soros and Saudi Arabian money.

  7. There are two vacancies on that bench. There seem to be three Obama and three Bush appointees already seated. Trump has nominated one Judge and needs to nominate the other right away and push McConnell hard to get them seated. With six people on the bench I wonder who got the case and why only three of them were needed to decide a case this important. I still think Trump ought to write an executive order cancelling the Obama regulations until a full court is seated and can rule on it.

  8. Transfer out every employee of that part of the EPA and damn sure fire every one of O’s political hires. Find out who challenged the new rule and treat them like The Tea Party was treated.

  9. The new administration has the same authority to undo administrative rules as the previous one had to make them. We need to remove a few of these activist judges from the bench as examples to the rest. Yes, the people do have the authority to do that. They should exercise it.

  10. “History shows judges are easily controlled …”

    History also shows that hanged criminals no longer commit crimes.
    Bad judges are a criminal caste almost as dangerous to the Republic as bad cops.

    izlamo delenda est …

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