NY Times Slams Trump Because Illegal Immigrants Are Staying Home – IOTW Report

NY Times Slams Trump Because Illegal Immigrants Are Staying Home

The Lid: Most of the people who will read this post will be happy that illegal immigrants are staying home….unless of course they are on the left. This latest NY Times hit piece is an indication of how utterly distorted the Left’s worldview has become.

An article appearing in today’s New York Times has emblazoned across its top a photograph of a forlorn-looking man, sitting on the edge of a bed, his eyes downcast. Standing across the room from him is a young girl who looks sympathetically at the man — her father — as if to say, “It’s OK, Papa, maybe next year.”

The photo, commissioned by the Times, might have been meant to accompany a story about a child being denied a life-saving operation or something equally heart-rending. But it wasn’t.   more here

9 Comments on NY Times Slams Trump Because Illegal Immigrants Are Staying Home

  1. If the NY Times staff wants to live in a country filled with Mexicans, why don’t they move to Mexico themselves?

    It’s funny that the American left never criticizes Mexico for having an almost entirely Mexican population. That the ‘American’ leftists aren’t moving to the various third world shitholes to make those places ‘more diverse’ is hardly surprising. That the leftists almost universally live in ‘gated communities,’ free of that wonderful diversity the left inflicts on the rest of us, is infuriating – and increasingly intolerable.

    But the white first world nations are supposed to be drowned under a brown horde of third world primitives, who ‘culturally enrich’ us with rape, murder, street shitting, third world diseases, low IQs, poor impulse control, and all the other desirable third world characteristics of these people.

    They have to go back.

  2. And as long as the poorest Mexicans can travel north thru our porous border, the Gov’t of Mexico has no incentive to improve the lives of its poorest citizens. Mexico seems more than happy to have have ex-pat Mexicans “bleed the beast” of the U.S., and to reap the rewards of the remittances.

  3. Is the NYT still in business?

    Happy Fourth! We have not really begun to fight. When England was standing alone against Germany, he said two words, Never surrender.

  4. The Left must be eradicated. And it will be.
    There is no future for the Left in our country.

    Happy Independence Day to all from the Washington Mall. I’m on a bench across from the Smithsonian Castle. A pleasant Christian youth band is thanking God for our freedoms from a pavilion nearby. They could It’s a great Fourth here in DC.
    The Trump Effect grows.

  5. Carlos the drug kingpin Slim owns the ratface NY Shit Times so it is to be expected that a mejicano news rag would lament the dampening of the invasion. Fuck Carlos the drug dealing, mexican murdering, Slim.

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