Mich had 24 staffers, Melania has 4 – IOTW Report

Mich had 24 staffers, Melania has 4


She needed help to look like this???
Common Sense and Wonder:
An analysis of White House salary data reveals that President Donald Trump’s administration is spending $5 million less of taxpayer money on his staff than his predecessor.
Trump employs 377 people at the White House, with a total of $35.8 million, while former President Barack Obama paid $40.9 million for 476 employees in 2015, according to data analyzed by Open The Books. 
Another key difference between the Obama and Trump White House is the first lady’s staff. Michelle Obama retained 24 staffers in the first year of the Obama White House. Melania Trump currently employs four — a chief of staff who is also listed as advisor to the president, a deputy chief of staff, a communications director, and a scheduler.  more here

28 Comments on Mich had 24 staffers, Melania has 4

  1. The grooming of a skunk ape is labor intensive, what with keeping insects under control, “expressing” musk glands, and of course cleaning up potty training accidents. The crews worked in shifts 24/7. I would only find fault with the ones that dressed it, that was just piss poor work.

  2. Michael/Michelle required a lot more assistance due to the need for multiple staff having to pick the lice and fleas out of her back hair and of course to make sure that Michael/Michelle’s man package was tucked just right so no one would notice that he/she/it was hung like a Shetland pony. Lot of work went into to making the First Dude look passable.

  3. 4 staff for Melania. That’s fewer than Jackie Kennedy had in the early 60s.

    What a FLOTUS. Restoring dignity and grace and decorum to The People’s House.

    It’s a wonderful 8 years ahead.

  4. White women usually don’t require a posse. If you’re black and from Chicago I believe they are required if you are in rap ‘music’ or organized crime.

    Don’t remember Mitch singing.

  5. Seriously looking at that picture what man would think that’s the one I want to be with. Biggest scam on Americans is Obama and this thing are actually married as husband and wife! That thing is hideous!

  6. ““Projected four-year savings on the White House payroll could top $22 million,” Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of Open The Books, writes for Forbes. Those projected savings include Trump’s promise to accept one dollar in salary and give the remainder back to the U.S. Treasury.

    Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, both advisors to the president, are not accepting any salary.

    Most top White House staff, including Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Omarosa Manigault, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, and 17 others make $179,000 annually.

    Obama had the same number of top advisors at this stage of his presidency in 2009, but he also appointed many “czars” to oversee special initiatives with a particular focus on recovery efforts after the 2008 financial crisis. Trump has not continued that

    While $22 million in savings is a tiny amount compared to the nearly $20 trillion national debt or the $3.9 trillion federal budget, “it could be a leading indicator of Trump’s commitment to cut waste, fraud and taxpayer abuse,” Andrzejewski said.”

  7. Of course, Mooch aka Sassie needed all those staffers. No one really knew how much care would be necessary to maintain The First Sasquatch. Not to mention the added expense of veterinary bills.

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