Maxine Waters Wants To Take Ben Carson’s ‘A** Apart’ – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Wants To Take Ben Carson’s ‘A** Apart’

COTR: Maybe it’s just because of the nature of the day– July 4th– but I can’t help but wonder what the Founding Fathers would think of some of our current U.S. representatives. More specifically, representatives like Maxine Waters.

She spoke at the New Orleans annual Essence Festival over the weekend and didn’t even try to reign in her crazy. It was on full display. During her lunatic rant, she managed to 1.) Express her desire to take Ben Carson’s a** apart” 2.) Definitively call Jeff Sessions a “racist” and 3.) Repeat her stale promise to impeach President Trump.  more

26 Comments on Maxine Waters Wants To Take Ben Carson’s ‘A** Apart’

  1. I never realized that in addition to all her talent and skills, she is a proctologist. Dr. Carson might not have that much in common, he worked on the other end of the anatomy.

  2. It’s gonna be OK Maxipad. Here. Take two of these and one of these and will put you to bed. That’s a good girl. I’ll remove the lizards from your sock drawer after you doze off.

  3. Hey, loud-mouthed woman, what version of the KKK are you talking about? There were several versions of the KKK.

    Why don’t you educate yourself before you start running off at the mouff.

    And as for wanting to get your hands on Ben Carson, he’s married — so just pack that ugly purse of yours, go home, shut up, and make this world a better place.

  4. Maxine, you’re a nigger. Doctor Carson is black. That means Doctor Carson has an IQ about 15 times what you’ve denied yourself. Any chance you’d be willing to go back to, oh, say, third grade and start over? Second grade?

  5. Don’t be so hard on her. Good ugly black female comedians detrimental to the democrat party are hard to find, since Poopie Goldberg decided to become a political pundit.

  6. When confronted by the gentle truth, as told by Dr. Carson, she will revert to low brow rhetoric, with lots of common platitudes.
    Then when the obviousness of the Logic/Drivel interface gets really bad she will shriek and yell that Dr. Carson is applying Voodoo on her, and she can run from stage because he was ‘conjuring on her’.

  7. After 200 plus years, the Democrat party, including Maxine Waters, is accomplishing what they and the KKK could only dream about – the subjugation of blacks. According to Maxine, blacks need to be dependent on government so they continue to vote her into office, and folks like Dr. Ben Carson (emphasis on doctor) are a threat to Maxine’s wealth and power.

    I find it ironic that politicians like Waters “honor” Dr. Martin Luther King by naming streets usually found in ghetto areas full of blacks living in whatever poverty the government deems just sufficient to keep them voting Democrat when all Dr. King really wanted was equal rights and equal opportunity.

  8. I don’t believe this woman has ever “taken someone’s ass apart.”
    She just doesn’t have the brainpower.
    Typical liberal fantasy world.
    Sit your country ass down, you vapid, blustery fool.

  9. max is nothing but a gutter-crawling street thug. She has zero accomplishments, and she cannot add or spell. Her entire MO is more fitting to WWF personality like Rowdy roddy Piper than a member of the US Congress. Max doesn’t like someone, so she is going to kick their ass and throw them in prison — boy that’s right to the Constitution there (eye roll). She is an absolute disgrace and it sickens me that there are people in this country that would vote for this low-IQ dope for any elected office, let alone congress. Perhaps though max is the poster child for Congress’ low numbers, which really are low believe me and are getting down there with Wolf Blitzer’s.

  10. …so does she mean like a fight or… like… sexual assault?
    I know that if a man said something like that about a woman… the reaction would be much much different.

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