With friends like Merkel, who needs enemies? – IOTW Report

With friends like Merkel, who needs enemies?

American Thinker:  

Merkel drops reference to America as ‘friend’ in new party program.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is comfortably ahead in her re-election contest with socialist rival Martin Schultz. Her center right coalition of Christian Democrats and Bavarians leads the socialists 38%-24% with two and a half months to go before the September 24 election.


This is a far cry from polls taken at the beginning of this year when the two were neck and neck and the nationalist Alternative for Germany party (AfP) polling an astonishing 15%.

But Merkel is no fool of a politician. What was dragging her popularity down was her open door policy for Middle Eastern and African migrants. more than a million of whom had entered Germany. That policy resulted in a surge for the nationalists, threatening her re-election chances.

So Merkel decided to take the sting out of AfP’s criticisms and altered German refugee policy. Not only did she severely restrict new arrivals, she also initiated a review of those refugees claiming asylum.

more here

SNIP:  Who is Merkel trying to kid? She’s pulling the same stunt John McCain pulls,  about securing the border and ‘building that dang fence’,  simply because an election is coming up. It’s verbal stools.

12 Comments on With friends like Merkel, who needs enemies?

  1. I’m all for the US reinforcing the Visegrad countries. They may soon be our only allies against Eurabia.

    The fix is in for Merkel. Schulz is her Bernie. A placeholder straw opponent who’ll drop out when told.

    Macron and Merkel visually look like Harold And Maude.
    Or Norman Bates and “Mother”.

  2. The only way Merkel gets taken from office is a coup by the military. It’s not out of the realm of possibility and while it would make the neighbours a touch nervous at first an intelligent foreign policy along with economic freedoms and the banning of the Green party would go a long way to easing those fears. Then after the damage has been repaired, the refugees sent home along with most of the “guest workers” both groups with some parting gifts and the thanks of a nation for playing then negotiations can begin with returning Germany to civilian control.

    If you know ANYONE who is a German voter,
    PLEASE ask them to vote “AfD” (Alternative for Germany).

    While the folks in that Party may not be the best at the moment,
    the AfD is the ONLY Party standing up against Merkel (she’s CDU, but the other major Parties are “all in” with her as far as supporting the muzzie invasion).

    Voting for the AfD will give them at least a stronger voice in their Parliament.

    Votes for ANY OTHER PARTY are WASTED.

  4. Wouldn’t it have made a lot more sense to render large tax reductions to German families for raising large families? All this is about is replenishing a diminishing native population, to provide labor for the industrial machine. And Frau Merkel continues to stuff her pudgy face with bratwurst.

  5. Remember what happened last time a German leader had your attitude. By the way, with each passing year you look more like Winston Churchill, which is funny as hell.

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