The Muslim ‘refugee’ called an integration success, slit his boss’ throat – IOTW Report

The Muslim ‘refugee’ called an integration success, slit his boss’ throat

American Thinker:

You can’t make this stuff up.  In a news article, migrant hairstylist Mohammad Hussain Rashwani was hailed as a shining example of integration in Germany.  Ten months later, which was just a few days ago, an article bore the headline “Herzberg: Syrian hairstylist slits boss’s throat.”

Yeah, it was Mohammad.

He apparently didn’t go the full Mohammad, since his boss is still alive.  But here’s the title and crux of the first piece:

Syrian Hairstylist finds employment in Herzberg

Salon owner Ilona Fugmann is amazed by his skills [Yes, he was especially adroit with a straight-edge razor.]

August 31, 2016

In early September, Ilona Fugmann will give the Syrian Mohammad Hussain Rashwani a permanent position in her hair salon in Herzberg. The 38-year-old’s skills immediately convinced her. Mohammad Hussain Rashwani is an example of how well integration can work out.

The article, all of which can be found at Gates of Vienna, goes on to explain Mohammad’s sterling qualities.  He “had an excellent command of his craft” and “gets along well with the two female colleagues[.] … ‘The chemistry is right. Admittedly, Mohammad is a proud person, but very attentive and prudent. He even helps with the clean-up,’ says Ilona Fugmann.”

Of course, “proud” is a euphemism for “prideful,” which reflects a sin (though Muslims don’t see it that way) and basically means that Mohammad had more ego than brains and was easily “triggered.”   MORE HERE

16 Comments on The Muslim ‘refugee’ called an integration success, slit his boss’ throat

  1. MoHam-b-mad. How come when I hear that name
    I know blood,rape,death,burnings,bombings
    are soon to follow…How lovely.But Linda So-Sour said…

  2. So . . . he is one of those peaceful, moderate, muslims we keep hearing about?

    Maybe Germany need to deport the rest of Merkel’s pet muslims before the German people all get their throats slit?

  3. Bet Ilona now has a different opinion of the “refugee” invasion. Here’s a trick to living longer. Never let a muslim near you with a edged weapon as they tend to “convert by the sword”.

  4. If you read some of the honest European sites, this kind of event is not rare. But aside from that, we clear-thinkers need to mind our own business, because ANGELA KNOWS BEST. (And she’s going to show our President just how wonderful she is, you see. I will be so relieved when he gets back safely to DC.)

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