Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at cardinal’s apartment – IOTW Report

Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at cardinal’s apartment

NY Post: Vatican police raided a drug-fueled gay sex party at the apartment of an aide to one of Pope Francis’ key advisers, according to an explosive new report.

The Holy Father is “enraged,” since the home, inhabited by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio’s secretary, belongs to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith — the arm charged with tackling clerical sex abuse, Italian paper Il Fatto Quotidiano reports.

Cops raided the apartment in late June after neighbors complained about multiple people visiting the apartment and acting strangely.

Inside, police said they found men getting high and getting it on, the paper reports.  read more

34 Comments on Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at cardinal’s apartment

  1. “The flat belonged to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is in charge of tackling clerical sexual abuse.”
    Looks like they tackled the sh** out of it.

  2. Says the Pope is “enraged”. I’d like to know the source of his rage, i.e. the situation or the publicity. My bet’s on the latter. I’m guessing that this priest’s drug use and lifestyle were previously known among his peers.

  3. Cardinal Pell will have his day in court sometime this year. Let’s see what the outcome will be. Italian newspapers, mags, TV etc.
    are no different than the leftist shit we have here.

  4. I’m not Catholic. But clearly Anne Barnhardt has been 100% correct all along, insisting that the Church Pedo abuse is an organized ring and that it extends right to the top at the Vatican.
    Francis is a communist infiltrator, and like Obama he’s the culmination of a long march.

  5. The catholic church has been commie since Vatican II. Besides, it was nothing more than the Roman Empire metamorphosing into a different power structure for control of the population.

  6. …Well, considering how this Pope in particular seems to be incredibly void of the guidance of God or indeed, any true love or respect for the Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ, so an offense like this is not really that surprising. Just deeply saddening.

  7. How do the people of the Catholic faith allow this Pope to remain in the throne of Peter?

    The pope is supposed to be chosen by God in the election — but this pope seems to have been chosen by fraud.

  8. Looks like this organization is taking hints from the socialist / communist liberal media. They try to make it sound like a Cardinal was involved and wasnt/ Nice work fraudsters.

  9. What has Always Blown Me Away, is that the Catholic Church Has Been Gay Ruled Since at Least Medieval Times !!!
    So Why do so Many Catholics Hate Gay’s,Yet Respect the Church ? Is it that They’ve Been Hiding their Gay Son’s there sinc it’s Inception ???

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