President Trump shames CNN in front of world media – IOTW Report

President Trump shames CNN in front of world media

Limbaugh Praises Trump Calling Out CNN In Poland: American Media Are ‘Pretenders To Journalism’

12 Comments on President Trump shames CNN in front of world media

  1. Caught a few minutes of CNN tonight from curiosity. “CNN has learned from an Anonymous Source that Russian Spying In The US is At An All Time High!”
    Quadrupling down on abject failure.

    I can’t imagine anyone sitting through this rubbish unless trapped in a waiting room or airport and unable to turn it off.


  2. Guess what folks, if CNN’s rating are tanking that means even the dumbed-down liberal masses are learning!
    Now whodda thunk that!
    Hopefully they are also learning and discovering who else is lying thru their Alphabet teeth to them!!!

  3. CNN has never been about journalism, fairness, truth and certainly not about the American way.
    It’s all about the international progressive/socialist agenda.
    CNN and the democrat/socialists set the false, divisive narrative and are failing miserably.
    Voters and viewers are much smarter than CNN believed, they recognize who’s behind the curtain.

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