Judge in Hawaii leaves Trump’s travel ban rules in place – IOTW Report

Judge in Hawaii leaves Trump’s travel ban rules in place

WaTimes: A federal judge delivered President Trump yet another legal victory on his travel ban executive order late Thursday, allowing to remain in effect the White House’s revised rules that cast a fairly narrow screen on who will be admitted as refugees or from six targeted countries.

Judge Derrick K. Watson said the state of Hawaii and other immigrant rights groups challenging Mr. Trump should take their beef up with the Supreme Court since it was the justices’ vague ruling that has led to confusion.

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5 Comments on Judge in Hawaii leaves Trump’s travel ban rules in place

  1. As a sovereign nation, we have the right to ban any foreigner, at any time for any reason or for no reason at all! Due to the separation of power, this is not a judge’s decision to make, change or void!

  2. This was never under any Judge’s jurisdiction.
    Constitution is completely clear. POTUS has absolute authority to discriminate at his sole discretion. Admit or deny as he deems fit for best interests of the country.

    Time for DoJ to seriously, seriously lay the groundwork for charging these Leftist judicial activists with criminal charges for “obstruction of Government”.
    The Constitution never authorized 100s of Judges each usurping the role of unelected and unqualified Co-President.
    Judges must not appoint themselves Veto Power over clear Presidential responsibilities.

  3. Also time for DoJ to “reject” activist judge rulings based on Judge not having required Security Clearance. Therefore not qualified even to be fully briefed on national security issues.
    And also time to begin REQUIRING all Federal Judges to hold Security Clearances.
    If they can’t pass the multiple screenings, interviews and deep background checks (and many Leftists will not pass) they are disqualified and must step down.
    That will clear The Judicial Swamp fast.
    Trump can replace the commies with Americans.

    MAGA. With a vengeance.

  4. And also time to begin REQUIRING all Federal Judges to hold Security Clearances.

    No. Too many of them would make a beeline for the nearest TV camera when exposed to classified information.

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