Feds pay Social Security judge $500K to sit at home on leave – IOTW Report

Feds pay Social Security judge $500K to sit at home on leave


A Social Security judge has collected somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million dollars over the past three years while sitting at home on administrative leave, according to a report that details just how much trouble the agency faces in trying to fire bad employees.  more here

5 Comments on Feds pay Social Security judge $500K to sit at home on leave

  1. First, they need to streamline the ability to fire these judges, or develop a system to rotate them into small-claims court of somewhere else so you don’t have judges approving 95% of claims holding that position for decades.

    Second, social security disability claims should have to be renewed before a DIFFERENT judge every two years–that way you don’t just get put on SSD for life with no further review or review by the same rubber-stamper.

  2. It’s cheaper to keep him at home, off the bench, and not waste money and resources prosecuting him.

    There probably is no easy way to get rid of him, like, you know, us regular scrubs that can get fired for simply being late to work.

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