Possible Assassin Stopped by Secret Service in Trump Tower – IOTW Report

Possible Assassin Stopped by Secret Service in Trump Tower

“A New York man clad in a bulletproof vest and bearing two small knives entered Trump Tower where he told Secret Service officers that he was a U.S. senator there to meet Ivanka Trump, police said.

“The man, whose name appears in records as Sixto Benitez Adames, was arrested after the Thursday afternoon incident, the New York Police Department said.

“Benitez Adames, 52, of the Bronx, was taken to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation and faces charges of criminal possession of a weapon and possession of a forged instrument for his possession of a fake New York State identity card, police said.

14 Comments on Possible Assassin Stopped by Secret Service in Trump Tower

  1. If this had happened to Mooch during Obama’s Presidency, there would be no trip to the mental ward. If the guy survived the SS bullet wounds, it would have been straight to prison, do not pass go, do not collect $200. But because it’s during Trump’s Presidency, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, not shoot him, and take him for a mental evaluation so that he can be quietly released in a few weeks to try again.

  2. Liberals have Arrived at an Alternative Universe of their Own !
    Time Has Come when they Lose the Insanity Clause !
    Because they Can no longer Identify it as something out of The Norm !

  3. If he was wearing a bullet proof vest, then he was aware that what he was about to attempt was dangerous and illegal because the secret service would undoubtedly open fire at him. Therefore, he was in complete control of his mental faculties and should be charged accordingly.

  4. Ain’t no such thing as a bulletproof vest, and I bet he
    had no trauma plates installed in it either.

    As for the “small knifes”, they were probably just under
    the legal length for concealed carry in NYC. That still
    allows you to throat punch with them.

    Close to well thought out. Why is the phucker still alive?

  5. Hambone When the african big game hunter was asked: Why do you use the huge .700 nitro express? The hunter replied: “because the don’t make a .800”

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