Oregon man must register as a sex offender after assaulting a chicken – IOTW Report

Oregon man must register as a sex offender after assaulting a chicken

Meth is always a bad idea.

37 Comments on Oregon man must register as a sex offender after assaulting a chicken

  1. What a vile creature. Of course he should be registered. Anyone who does THAT to an innocent animal, will definitely hurt a child or another adult.

  2. So I thumped a little antifa fag in Portland because he was messin’ with my Trump sticker. Gave him ample opportunity to explain and apologize before decking the little prick. Does that mean I’m going on some chicken shit list?

  3. True story… Worked with this guy (Call him Steve) that told fantastic stories… Had this fantastic life.. Now he works as an attendant in the hospital. The joke was always “You’re not going to believe the story he told this time”…

    Dude was nothing short of pathological liar… Still entertaining…

    Was off a few days and returned to this. Coworkers said you’re not going to believe the story Steve told us last night… “He said his best friend had sex with a chicken, but we believe it was Steve”.. Before they could say further I said “I believe it was Steve too”. Then they explained. “You should have seen the gleam in his eye as he told this story”. Another co-worker chimed in and said, “Then there was the way he held his hands as she spoke”……

    I said, “I didn’t see the gleam in his eyes or the way he held his hands but I still believe it was Steve that had sex with a that chicken”…

    “You’re my best friend, I’m going to tell YOU that I had sex with a chicken?”

  4. I did something a hell of a lot worse to a chicken just about an hour ago. Put it in a microwave oven for about a minute and then literally pulled the skin off one of its breasts and ate the fast twitch pectoral muscles underneath .. along with some rice and pinto beans.

    Good thing I dont live in Oregon

  5. chuffed-beyond-words

    How do you know that Chicken was innocent? Looks like a slut to me. Which reminds me about the difference between erotic and perverted. Erotic you use a feather, perverted you use the entire chicken.

  6. I was lured on by a chicken … wunce … she was a cute l’il silky .. white feathers … ;… a coq a vin way about the way she walked ………a kinda swayin her hips an always peckin at stuff – lite, easy kinda pekkin …..

    Pekin ma pekkar! soda speek! Ell I housdn’t git into too many dietaals ……

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