Linda Sarsour and the Left’s Dhimmi-splaining – IOTW Report

Linda Sarsour and the Left’s Dhimmi-splaining

Patriot Retort: Terrorist-sympathizer and matinee idol of the duped Feminist movement Linda Sarsour is calling all American Muslims to jihad against the President.

And she’s not doing it from Iran. She is doing it right here in the United States.

Suddenly the same people who flew into hysterics over a wrestling meme are bending over backwards to excuse this snake’s call for jihad against the President.

We don’t understand the meaning of Jihad, you see.

And these compliant dhimmis have to explain it to us.

Or, let’s just call it Dhimmi-splaining.  MORE

31 Comments on Linda Sarsour and the Left’s Dhimmi-splaining

  1. So I think I’m getting the hang of the Jihadi shit. And I’m declaring Jihad on Jihadist. Lets get it on. Shit I think I might have just declared war on myself.

  2. Time for a Secret Service Visit ,If They Don’t The Redhead will Cry Foul !
    We need to Set this as a precedent For All Muslims, The Secret Service will not Tolerate False Prphets Threatening the President of The United States !

  3. Joe, Actually Wyatt won that with this comment,

    “I’ve sent our Pravda editors to CNN and the New York Times to learn how real propaganda is done.”


  4. hahahahaha!! Yup, we WA people HAVE to stick together!

    Thanks, Joe!

    P.S. BB, Oh ye of little faith. Something tells me the long arm of the law is going to get that woman. It may take a while, but it’s flat out sedition — as in Alien Enemies Act (the revised Act brought to us originally by POTUS John Adams as the Alien and Seditions Acts.)

  5. I didn’t think there was just one winner — that the folks with “lots of likes” would be tweeted. I’d change mine a little. Trump: “Yes, and it was good.”

  6. Brad we are going to have a picnic up here, I hope in August if we can pull a bunch of iOTW people together. I am starting to work on it. I will send you a border pass. Joe 6 pack, Geoff the aardvark, Illustr8r, and anyone else we can find.
    Its time people from this site formed local groups, and meet ups.

  7. AA, no, “Was your Lunch Bitch”
    That’s a winner.

    So while we are on it, Putin’s no pussy. In fact the guys bad ass. He’s a weapons expert and a hand to hand combat expert. Trumps no pussy (actually I think there’s a discipline we don’t know about him),
    Men don’t like dealing with pussies. Say what you want about Putin, but he’s no pussy. I’m thinking he and DJT hit it off. Who would you choose Merkil or Putin?

  8. Arrest her. Lock her up a couple years someplace REALLY unpleasant. Gitmo?
    Then deport her. Unless something fatal happened to her accidentally in prison.

    Declare Muslim Brotherhood and its subsidiary CAIR as Terrorist Organizations.
    Arrest everyone, confiscate all assets. All past associates and contributors go on the Terror Watch/No Fly Lists. Every single contact/donor. No exceptions.

    OK musloids. America will teach you “Jihad”.

  9. BB — I see Putin as much more worthy adversary than that oily snake, Merkel. The whole EU makes my skin crawl. They’re (the EU) like people from another galaxy. Can’t imagine why the people of their individual countries would have EVER wanted to surrender their own rich heritages to shoehorn themselves into the “United States of Europe.”

    I don’t doubt Putin is capable and maybe with Trump as a strong U.S. leader, Vlad will take it down a notch and stop trying to resurrect the U.S.S.R. He may be manly, but he’s got a long ways to go to understand how real freedom is achieved. I imagine Trump will “take the lumps out” and still achieve his objectives w/Russia. I am really enjoying reading Sundance’s writing on the diplomatic strength of the U.S. economy. And I think Victor Hansen Davis also spoke about the supremacy of dollar diplomacy over a shooting war. It was at his speech to Hillsdale’s Leadership Center in D.C. (on YT). Very much recommend it.

    I am also loving to watch Tillerson, Ross, Mnunchin, Lighthizer and McMaster acting as one coordinated unit at this summit and in other foreign meetings. It’s like a ballet — or more like MIB. LOL!

    You and your (much) better half must come up!

  10. Hey, Joe — I was just about to write and let you know that I told Geoff you were free weekends in August. He’s out watering the lawn.

    On Sessions: It’s frustrating, isn’t it? I guess I thought he’d be coming out guns a blazin’ on so many things. But that’s because I think we’re all so sick of crummy hearings ad nauseum with no results. So, I imagine he’s being a solid AG, making sure they have a case before they proceed with anything. I think he and Trump have been too cautious about appearing partisan on the whole FBI/Comey thing, though. I’m sure it will all work out exactly as planned, nonetheless. But, with no real info coming out of the AG office and everything being ‘leaked’ by the msm (referred only as “sources” from the AG), it’s very frustrating. I honestly do not get Rosenstein and I hope that was a solid choice for Asst. AG. I don’t know.

    What do you think?

  11. I’m disappointed, he has the most target rich environment in the history of Attorney’s General and he has what appears to be an extraordinary amount of evidence of wrong doing. For starters, why hasn’t he taken possession of the DMC server? What the hell happened to Weiner’s computer? Lynch, Lerner, Holder, Clinton, Koskinen, Rice?!?!

  12. Why isn’t the SS knocking on that phocks door yet?

    I’m pretty sure King didn’t call for the death of
    the president. Her argument is shit.

    Treat that thing like a muzzie would.

  13. Where is not the media having a fit about the violence this reptile is instigating? She is calling for a war and takeover of the US — but not a word from the media. This sarsour swine ought to be thrown into prison for life, WTH? I hope Justice is looking into this and are on the verge of bringing her in. How can someone open preach violence and overthrow of the US government w no repurcussions?

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