CNN’s Worst Week Evah! – IOTW Report

CNN’s Worst Week Evah!


CNN may have had the worst week in Washington.

The network’s rough week started on Sunday when President Trump jumpstarted controversy by tweeting a video that showed him body-slamming the CNN logo. The tweet was met with widespread condemnation in the media, which resulted in the video being shown over and over again on national television.

But things got worse for CNN.


The network published a story on Tuesday night detailing how it tracked down the identity of an anonymous Reddit user who claimed credit for creating the video behind Trump’s tweet and had a history of making racist and anti-Semitic posts online. (It’s unclear, however, if Trump actually got the video directly from Reddit.)

The story said that CNN declined to identify the Reddit user because he was a private citizen and had apologized, but added: “CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change,” suggesting the network would identify the user, HanAssholeSolo, if he made offensive posts online again.

Both CNN and the reporter who wrote the story, Andrew Kaczynski, became the center of an online firestorm after journalists on both left and right called foul on what appeared to be a threat against the anonymous Reddit user. Kaczynski appears to have caught the short end of the stick, as the controversial line was reportedly added into his story by a CNN executive following an internal debate on whether or not to name the user.


7 Comments on CNN’s Worst Week Evah!

  1. If I were running CNN, I would change the business model. Perhaps I would – oh, I don’t know – report news and try to do it accurately and fairly. Maybe I would also stay out of manufacturing stories, extorting Reddit users and secretly trying to influence national elections. (I’m looking at you, Donna Brasile).

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