Lawyers for Sarah Palin and New York Times Appear Before Federal Judge – IOTW Report

Lawyers for Sarah Palin and New York Times Appear Before Federal Judge

Breitbart: Lawyers representing former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) appeared in federal court in Manhattan on Friday for an initial hearing in Palin’s lawsuit against the New York Times for defamation, following the Times’ editorial accusing the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee of inciting violence.

The Times ran an editorial on June 14 of this year following the attempted assassination at a Virginia baseball field that left Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) critically injured. In that editorial, the newspaper accused Palin of inciting violence when her political action committee circulated a map with cross-hairs in various places, talking about “targeting” certain Democratic races in an upcoming election.

Inciting violence is a serious matter. In fact, it can be a crime under both state and federal law.

State laws vary, but incitement basically consists of (1) encouraging an individual to commit a violent act, and (2) under circumstances that a reasonable person would think is likely to produce the violent act — in other words, that there is a good chance that the person receiving the encouragement will act upon it.

Under federal law, again depending on the facts, inciting violence could run afoul of 18 U.S.C. § 373, solicitation to commit a crime of violence, or 18 U.S.C. § 2102, which is inciting a riot.

In short, the Times accused Palin of committing a crime, one that endangers the lives and safety of innocent people.

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10 Comments on Lawyers for Sarah Palin and New York Times Appear Before Federal Judge

  1. I hope her lawyers are good and that they make no mistakes as she is operating in enemy territory. If the Judge finds grounds for the lawsuit to continue that would be a huge first step and should have Punch and the rest of the Times staff shaking in their boots. One thing to remember though, if the judgement is large enough it may well push the paper into Carlos Slims’s hands as he already owns around 18% of the common voting shares. Then again, an American with big pockets may come forward and decide it’s time to return the “Paper of Record” back to it’s place on the top shelf of American Journalism.

  2. How’s about a class action lawsuit against the Dims and drive by media that are, and have been doing the exact same thing for decades? In spades… Just a thought…

  3. I hope Mama Bear ends up with a large enough settlement to own the NYSlime, and then fires everyone and dismembering/dismantling the “Paper of Birdcage Liner”.

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