You know what to do – IOTW Report

You know what to do


H/T Diogenes’ Middle Finger   <— Go Say ‘Hi’

48 Comments on You know what to do

  1. Love these G20 pics. Trump is so in command. Above them all. He looks like a billionaire celebrity CEO mingling at a dinner for his junior managers.

    Macron sleazing over to stand next to him in the group photo. Trump’s look of amused contempt at the little groveling lickspittle beside him. Merkel, such an incompetent she can’t even maintain motorcade order in Hamburg streets for 72 hours.

    Priceless. I’ll bet they each asked for his autograph.

  2. Rufus T, I remember a video of Barky at one of these shindigs, slouching around, chewing gum and avoiding eye contact with everyone else. Which he needn’t have done, since everyone else was plainly ignoring him. He looked like he was stoned to the bone.

  3. “PoliticalClownParade • 14 hours ago
    MERKEL: “Stop throwing rubber chickens at the Paris Climate Accord!”
    POTUS: “Your haircut reminds me of Moe from the Three Stooges.”

    From Diogenese comments.

  4. Seriously? It says a lot about a person (especially a woman, for some reason) when she absolutely refuses to dress for the occasion. Pants??! Freakin’ pants?! Not even a pantsuit, for crying out loud! She looked like she just finished a chore around the house, grabbed a misshapen jacket and ran out of the house without looking in a mirror. Not even any lipstick! Does she have any idea at all that she looks like a communist, east German haus frau?

    Is she a man? ‘Cause I watched her man-handle Melania into the second row when the pics were taken.

  5. *sob*
    “Oh, Mr Trump, what’ll I do? Lately it seems as though everyone HATES me!”

    “Well, you know, Angela… I HONESTLY can say that I might be able to come up with a few reasons why that might be.”
    “Like what?”
    [reaches into jacket]
    “…Might wanna sit down because I brought a list. And it’s very long, BELIEVE me.”
    *Merkel begins to sob again*

  6. “When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you;
    When you cry, you always cry alone.

    Cry your heart out, Angela … but hiding your eyes and crying changes nothing.
    You are a traitor to Germany, to Europe, and to Western Civilization.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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