Call Them What They Are – IOTW Report

Call Them What They Are

Liberty’s Torch:

  “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.” – President Donald Trump, in Poland

     “[That statement] only makes sense as a statement of racial and religious paranoia.” — Peter Beinart

     “Such rhetoric is meant to conjure blood-and-soil nationalism.” — Jeet Heer

     “[Trump’s speech] had nothing useful to say about today’s interconnected world in which goods, people and ideas have contempt for borders.” — Eugene Robinson

President Trump’s Poland speech was as inspiring a piece of political rhetoric as I’ve heard in my lifetime. Reagan might have equaled it on occasion. Its core was an assertion of the values of the West, both political and cultural, and the insistence that they can, should, and must be defended.

So naturally – indeed, even automatically – it’s driven the mouthpieces of the Left completely batshit. And just as automatically, they’ve thrown everything in their pitiful demagogic arsenals at it in an attempt to make it seem shameful.  read more

15 Comments on Call Them What They Are

  1. Hmmm. “An interconnected world” that has “contempt for borders.” So Eugene Robinson is down with a One World Government, it seems. You mean like that whopping success story Babel, Eugene? (Interesting that the EU Parliament building is fashioned after the Tower of Babel…) And take note of all that peace, harmony, and prosperity they’re enjoying in Europe! Yep, looks like a great plan. 🙄

  2. Those who believe that the future is relegated to a one world, common struggle to be assimilated versus those who resist losing their identity, nationality, and culture must revolt against the very idea of a Politician like Trump who is setting them back to the individualistic ideals of pre-WWI America who didn’t care where the rest of the world went as long as it followed us.

    Screw ’em. Go Trump (p.s. Love Ivanka training for her future presidency!)

  3. “Racial and religious paranoia.” “Such rhetoric is meant to conjure blood-and-soil nationalism.”
    Damn right it does, and I’m happy to hear it. I have seen nothing in all this open borders bullshit, that proves Trump wrong. In fact it’s just the opposite. Sexual assault on a grand scale, Sharia zones, Murder and mayhem. These savages don’t want to assimilate, conquest is their goal.

  4. Then, conversely, the West has no RIGHT to survive?
    Should not even have a DESIRE to survive?
    Should demand to sacrifice itself on the altar of nihilistic socialism, Globaloney-ism, izlamism, and Slavery?

    Say what you mean; mean what you say.

    President Trump speaks too clearly for those who would destroy us with soft words, vague prescriptions, and cloudy dis-ingenuities.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It is interesting to note the openness and boldness of the communists’ tone today. And to note the geopolitical origins of it — not from anyplace we expect it but from within our own walls. While our focus has been almost solely on islam, the communists have been very busy these past dozen or so years.

  6. Media is so lost. They are used to the usual political speech. Politicians have trained media to:
    -untangle the cluster of meaningless words.
    -look for the ‘meaning’ of political doublespeak.
    -discern political lies vs political promises made only to get elected.
    -try to follow the wandering speech of politicians.
    -search for the underlying self-service of political speech.

    In other words, they are used to political BULLSHIT.

    President Trump has his faults, but basically, he doesn’t mince words. They are exact and precise, which clearly causes MSM to fumble, stumble, and strike out. They have forgotten how to REPORT.

  7. Trump understands the major obstacle facing the West — the WILL to survive.
    Behind that Will must stand the total conviction that Western Civilization is worth fighting and dying for. Islam and Communism are existential threats; unfortunately, like some diseases, they will never be eradicated, just down for the count, temporarily.

    The West can have all the knowledge, weapons, and technology, but without the WILL, it will be a never-ending war of retreats.

  8. If you’re more worried about our enemies calling us racists, than you are about the survival of our people, you are already dead.

    For more than fifty years, the governments of the West have eagerly imported the worst people on the planet into our nations, against the will of the people, against the warnings of the inevitable consequences.

    The inevitable consequences have arrived. We are being subjected to a slow genocide, one that is speeding up – just look at South Africa. It was the test case for what is being done today, throughout the West.

    Civilizations are a reflection of the people that comprise them, not the other way around.

    The West, without ethnic Europeans, will just be another third world hell hole, but among the ruins of the great civilization which preceded it.

    The third worlders have to go back – and the people responsible for importing them need to be gone. We have no other choice.

  9. I hate to inform Mr. Eugene Robinson that having a mere Bachelor degree in Journalism does not make one an educated, knowledgeable person. Mr. Robinson should have pursued a Masters in World History especially Eastern European History for him to even understand what President Trump was referencing in his speech in Poland. The almost entirely Christian/Catholic Polish people were prevented from exercising their religion for almost 50 years under communist control. President Trump is more literate in Polish History than Mr. E. Robinson.

  10. It’s so sad that these people are forced to live in a nation they hate, with no hope of ever- – –

    Wait a minute. They’re not forced to live here. They can leave any time they want. And I really wish they would.

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