6 year olds are now robbing people in Chicago at gunpoint – IOTW Report

6 year olds are now robbing people in Chicago at gunpoint

Second City Cop:
Teach ‘Em Early.
Still waiting for the “outrage” from the community, the politicians, the “revrunds,” anyone at all:
  • Chicago police are warning residents of neighborhoods including South Commons and Bronzeville that a group of young kids and teens are robbing people at gunpoint on sidewalks, in parking lots and even inside apartment buildings.

    Authorities on Saturday said a group of three to nine school-aged robbers was listed in robbery reports taken throughout the month of June in the area west of Dunbar high school and north of Illinois Institute of Technology. The most recent case, on June 28 in the first block of East 29th Street, involved a boy who was described as being between the ages of 6 and 8, and who “displayed a silver handgun and demanded money,” according to a news release.


20 Comments on 6 year olds are now robbing people in Chicago at gunpoint

  1. Then one day, I was just walking down the street, and I heard a voice behind me say, “Reach for it Mister!” I spun around and there I was face to face with a six-year-old kid. Well I just threw my guns down and walked away….little bastard shot me in the ass!!


  2. I hate this.

    Anyone who points a gun at me and threatens me if I don’t hand over my money or property is a legitimate lethal threat. But I *do* care if it’s a little kid. I just hope my hesitation isn’t fatal to me and mine.

    I hate this.

  3. Uncle Al

    Odds are the little bastards are robbing married couples and women too. What do you do if your wifes with you? Eliminate the threat, and then try and live with it the rest of your life. Chicago is one F’ed up place.

  4. America blacks have allowed
    themselves to sink into this
    kind of depravity, led of course
    by their “friends”, the Democrats.
    The Brits used to handle this crap
    by hanging or transportation. We
    slap their wrists and throw money
    at them.

  5. Just like a trip to Africa to witness the great migrations, this is simply nature taking it’s course. Animal life played out in real time on the streets of Chicago.

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