Fake News Forming Its Own Union – IOTW Report

Fake News Forming Its Own Union

CFP: Struggling online news outlets would have to be more than just hopelessly naive to believe that a relatively new ‘New Media Alliance’ leading the battle for survival up against Internet giants Google and Facebook is fighting for them.

How could any online outlet believe in an Alliance in which the New York Times is an active member?

Hello New Media Alliance?  Independent news outlets calling!

“So what we used to call “the newspaper industry”—but which now includes outlets with robust online existences—is coming together to make its biggest push so far to change the balance of power. (NYT, July 9, 2017)

“This week, a group of news organizations will begin an effort to win the right to negotiate collectively with the big online platforms and will ask for a limited antitrust exemption from Congress in order to do so.

“It’s an extreme measure with long odds. But the industry considers it worth a shot, given its view that Google and Facebook, regardless of their intentions, are posing a bigger threat economically than President Trump is (so far) with his rhetoric.”

Talk about getting things bass-ackwards.  It is not Google and Facebook who are posing a bigger threat to online outlets, but the mainstream media’s reliance on Fake News, which it uses to try to shut them out.

The New Media Alliance, is the old one still trying to force-feed readers lib-left propaganda masquerading in the name of “quality journalism”.  MORE

13 Comments on Fake News Forming Its Own Union

  1. I can see how corporate media/news can become the buggy whip of the 21st century. Sure, they’ll be using the courts and fancy sleight-of-hand to preserve themselves, but you can’t change peoples’ minds once they understand your product is untrustworthy and harmful.

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