California Republicans sweat Trump effect – IOTW Report

California Republicans sweat Trump effect


SAN FRANCISCO — Republicans running for governor in the Democratic stronghold of California face a myriad of challenges. One of the them is how to handle the issue of Donald Trump.

Travis Allen, an assemblyman who announced his bid last week to succeed Jerry Brown as the state’s next governor, argues that he’s already a standout — of the three leading Republicans in the race, he alone proudly admits voting for the president.  MORE

17 Comments on California Republicans sweat Trump effect

  1. I’m saying this is a hit piece. I’ve been following this guy for about a year and never heard him say a negative thing about Trump. As a matter of fact he’s praised him.This guy could win if we could get rid of the 6.5 million illegal voters in this state. Build the damn wall.


    That kind of pisses me off. Do you actually know anything about this guy. Just answer no. What if I were to tell you he filed suit in Federal Court two weeks ago to stop Jerry Browns gas tax. Do Your Research.

  3. All Too Much

    Your jumping the gun. This week an Ex Marine just announced he was running against Ami Bera. That idiot Scott Jones would have won last time around but he’s never been grabbed by the pussy. It’s early dude. Just watch.

  4. Travis Allen Will get My Vote, He’s the only one with any Ball’s !
    Voting Here, is the only real Reason for Amnesty. The Libs Don’t Gine a Shit about Illegal’s , as Long as they Keep Breeding – Showing up to Clean and Promise to Vote !

  5. Brad,

    Part of Trump success came because he marketed his opponents as shitstains (lyin’ Ted, little Marco…etc.).

    Why would you think I don’t like this guy by suggesting he do the same with the dems and repubs that plan to run against him?

    How does suggesting that piss you off? Don’t you wish he could win?

  6. If the GOP in California was smart they wouldn’t run any candidates for the next state election. They would simply leave it a complete Democrat hole. No more trying to save the state, no more trying to slow down Brown and the rest of his cabal and no one else to blame for the catatrophee that will occur when the Dems are completely in charge. They won’t win so don’t become a target for the left to blame when the state starts it’s final collapse.

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