Big Mike’s book of photographs coming in October – IOTW Report

Big Mike’s book of photographs coming in October

It’s a coffee table book. If you have a wobbly table,  you can prop it up with this book. 


Chasing Light? More like chasing cars. WOOF! 


NEW YORK (AP) — Books of Obama photographs will be in the news this fall.

A collection of White House pictures of Michelle Obama is coming out Oct. 17, Ten Speed Press told The Associated Press on Tuesday. “Chasing Light” will feature 150 color shots and personal commentary by White House photographer Amanda Lucidon.

“Mrs. Obama is a source of light and inspiration in my life,” Lucidon said in a statement issued through Ten Speed, a Penguin Random House imprint. “She was a mentor to me and so many people around the world. The work she has done with young people, especially girls and underserved youth, has helped me realize that I want to spend my life helping others reach their fullest potential.”

“Chasing Light” arrives three weeks before “Obama: An Intimate Portrait,” a book of Barack Obama pictures by White House photographer Pete Souza. Souza has built a wide following on social media by posting shots of Obama that contrast dramatically with images from Donald Trump’s administration.

40 Comments on Big Mike’s book of photographs coming in October

  1. Continued counter-propaganda from paranoid people who had no lasting legacy or vision (unless it was chaos and confusion, lies and deceits.

    Now if they’d publish pictures of her linebacker days…

  2. Anybody else find it strange that they each have their own separate books of pictures of themselves? I bet if you added up all the pictures in both books of them as a couple, you could count them all on Barky’s ringless left hand.

  3. Excellent timing. With fall coming we needed something to replace the last of our Sears & Roebucks catalog, that is not longer in print, that was used in the deer camp outhouse.
    From now on I’ll be able to say “kiss my ass bitch”, literally.

  4. If they wanted to make money they should have a book of photos of Mike’s Wardrobe failures and facial contortions.
    Even with 24 personal slaves they couldn’t make it look female without airbrushing. Oh but how bout those toned arms?

  5. Chasing French Fries: Is it possible to wear out photoshop software because I guarantee these 150 pictures of Barrie’s Beard took some work. But the upside is glossy paper works pretty good in the outhouse.

  6. “How about, ‘Chasing Love’, Ms. Obama? , sort of a ‘look back in love’ vibe ”

    “Yeah, that’s really good. Like Love was always hidin’ out–wait, what?? Naaah, uh-uh…eff that Chasin” Love junk.”

  7. When are The Plates Going to be Available ?
    Could the Books be a Dramatic Begining, to the Divorce Part of their Legacy ?
    Maybe Gay News, Just Watch for Lib’s Trying to Bury their Bombs before they Explode on the Democrats !

  8. Plantsman, I hear you. Add in that weird thing where Barky said he picked being straight instead of gay, and it was treated like it was no big deal everybody knows, so don’t ask don’t tell. But I get the feeling that the left will help him ease out of the closet slowly, protected by the gaystapo. We will reach the point where there is video of Barky kissing a man on the beach, the MSM will let TMZ handle it and we’ll be slightly shocked for a minute. And then Barky becomes a hero anew.

  9. I’m triggered by the racist title!
    Light rhymes with white, and we all know white is bad.
    And how about those light-skinned people of the black population?
    Is that what Mookie is implying? Chasing the down?

  10. If that is the actual covershot, it does not recommend the photographer’s skills. The face is unevenly lit, and the angle of the head is awkward, making the subject’s eyes appear uneven. The model’s pose is blah and conveys no strong attractive pull on the viewer. If the rest of the photos are as good as the cover, the book will shoot to the top of NYT list as a recommended gift for an ex-spouse or jilted lover.

  11. Somebody please tell me, what Michelle Obama has really accomplished in her life to be so idolized? What’s so amazing about her? The only remarkable thing about her is that she was black enough to be chosen as Obama’s wife.

  12. The transfer of cash in payback for trashing America with the flamboyant muslim requires Mooch to publish books.

    This first one is a picture book. The next one will be a coloring book.

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