This is SCARY! Donald Trump SOOTHSAYER! – IOTW Report

This is SCARY! Donald Trump SOOTHSAYER!

Is Donald Trump a part of the occult? Can he really foresee the FUTURE?

Donald J. Trump posted on Twitter June 27, 2014: SEE THE TWEET HERE

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11 Comments on This is SCARY! Donald Trump SOOTHSAYER!

  1. Nice work Mr.Pinko.

    This reminds me, DJT is the first POTUS since at least as far back as 1992 not to have seriously disqualifying Alcohol/Substance Abuse problems.
    Bill Clinton enjoyed unlimited free hard drugs ever since Mena Arkansas cartel days.
    Dubya had a decades-long severe alcoholism which, if not a Bush, would have disqualified him from any level Clearance or background check.
    Obama must have been stoned daily. “57 States.” “Austrian language”. Stoner babbling.

    Contrast DJT with alky/druggy Hilary.

    What a Bullet we dodged Nov.08.

  2. Mel must be starting a new project that Shia is dying to be a part of- what better way to let Mel he is just the kind of guy Mel can work with.

    *public intoxication and the police get involved- check
    *threatening to kill a cop- check
    *Calling a female cop “sugar tits” – well, no but he did call all of them “bitch” so pass
    *while drunk bringing more than awkward references to race- CHECK
    *crying about the cuffs being too tight- Yes, but that is NOT on the list; because of this Shai fails.

    You see, Mel, for all his faults understand that if you are going to drink like a wild barbarian it is expected that the cuffs are going to be too tight. Shia comes off as an unhinged whinny bitch. Not just unhinged but like someone who has the special gift to piss off an army of weaponized autistic kids. Pisses them so off that they could find his secret location in a matter of hours to steal his flag using cloud patterns, three airplanes seen in the sky and the sound of frogs as their only clues.

    Not even Mel is going to touch that kind of crazy with a 10 foot pole. Not even Mel was crazy enough to brag about his high priced lawyers. Shia unless you have enough to retire on you may want to think about the exciting world of being a photo copier sales rep.

  3. @ Rufus T. Firefly

    We are now living in a time where we have the BEST PRESIDENT we’ll ever have in all our lifetimes (young and old).
    The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately.
    A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”
    With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

    On November 9th, 2016 we were rhetorically asked, “Well, America, what have we got, a Constitutional Sovereign Nation or a Global Cluster-f*ck?”
    With no hesitation whatsoever, I responded, “the United States of America, if you can keep it.”


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