IOTW Report

 Dust Plume From Africa Headed To US

Monday, 24 June 2024, 8:00 MJA 2

Zero Hedge Around this time each year, strong trade winds over northwest Africa stir up Saharan dust, carrying it thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean, through the Caribbean Sea, and [Read More]

Cage Match #3 – Harmony Edition

Sunday, 23 June 2024, 23:16 BFH 14

#1- The Everly Brothers beat Simon and Garfunkel #2- The Beach Boys beat the Beatles Match #3 is Queen versus Crosby, Stills, and Nash

Wild Thang

Sunday, 23 June 2024, 21:00 Dr. Tar 14

UPI A longtime runner-up in California’s World’s Ugliest Dog Contest finally got his crown. On Friday, fourth time was the charm for Wild Thang, an 8-year-old Pekingese from North Bend, [Read More]

A Lifetime of Regret

Sunday, 23 June 2024, 19:00 Dr. Tar 16

Daily Signal The Central Institute for Statutory Health Insurance in Germany reviewed all the medical billing records from the nation’s health care providers for insured people between the ages of 5 and [Read More]

‘Vote Trump for No Tax on Tips’

Sunday, 23 June 2024, 14:00 MJA 12

Donald Trump writes ‘Vote Trump for No Tax on Tips’ on his receipt while getting cheesesteaks in Philly President Trump Brings Down the House in Philly: “The People of Pennsylvania [Read More]

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